Ghostbusters Minimates

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;149723
Which 2 pack? Cuz the Venkman Stay Puft one is supposed to be an SDCC exclusive, but you can order it right now through… that's what I did.

SDCC exclusive doesnt really mean anything anymore, the companies that attend almost always sells the same stuff they have left over at WWC. except mattel this year, of cousre isnt going to be there so ill have to wait for my buddy to get me my 2 egons. but i do belive diamond select is going to be there and most likely they will have them for sale.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

SDCC exclusive doesnt really mean anything anymore, the companies that attend almost always sells the same stuff they have left over at WWC. except mattel this year, of cousre isnt going to be there so ill have to wait for my buddy to get me my 2 egons. but i do belive diamond select is going to be there and most likely they will have them for sale.

Mattel has said that they will be posting the Slimed Egon on the Monday after the convention. I'm hoping they do and that I can get on, because I too want to order 2 of them. I'm still hoping that some nice soul will offer to help me out if they're going to SDCC though.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Well I just received an e-mail from Toyrocket letting me know that my Series One boxsets are in stock and will be shipping shortly.

I also pre-ordered the Diamond Select exclusive, and the SDCC exclusive through them, but those will ship at another time.

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 8 months ago

i got that same email. Do you know if they charge you shipping everytime they ship something? I ordered all of that stuff together and obviously they are not all shipping at once.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

I've ordered the minimates for my nephew… and I bet it'll turn like my TPB: I will never receive anything. I don't know if my comicbook store is the problem or their partner… “Diamond”?

When opening the GB game, I was shocked by a publicity about the new GB figures, yep, I guess my dreams are too big…

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I've ordered the minimates for my nephew… and I bet it'll turn like my TPB: I will never receive anything. I don't know if my comicbook store is the problem or their partner… “Diamond”?

When opening the GB game, I was shocked by a publicity about the new GB figures, yep, I guess my dreams are too big…

What are you talking about?

Comparing the Minimates to the TPB (unless you mean the Titan Books one) is like comparing a dog and a cockroach… in other words, odd. The Minimates are coming. The TPB from 88 MPH never came to ANYONE. Like I said, unless you mean the Titan Books one… in which case you need to take that up with your comic store.

First of all, Diamond is probably the largest “partner” a comic book store can have. They have their problems sometimes, but chances are your store is ordering improperly.

Second of all, why would the publicity of the GB figs mean that your dreams are “too big”? Its fantastic that they're being publicized. This will hopefully lead to even more sales, which means more figures. I don't see how that's dreaming “too big”.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 8 months ago

Same email here. Boy am I looking forward to these.

i got that same email. Do you know if they charge you shipping everytime they ship something? I ordered all of that stuff together and obviously they are not all shipping at once.

I certainly hope not. I ordered all of mine together as well and their shipping rates seems to be based solely on the total dollar amount of items you ordered. Therefore, because we ordered such a large amount now the shipping added to our bill was higher.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 8 months ago

I just checked out the toys r us web site and they are no longer showing the series 1 mini mates. Even the TRU exclusives. Did I miss something?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I just checked out the toys r us web site and they are no longer showing the series 1 mini mates. Even the TRU exclusives. Did I miss something?

The web-based allotment for sold out (for the Series One exclusives). They will still be available in stores, but supposedly the stock for the website is completely sold out.

I don't think they ever had the Series One box set (Egon, Peter, Dana, and Louis) on though.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 8 months ago

when are they due in TRU stores. Is it still 6/1?