when are they due in TRU stores. Is it still 6/1?
Considering 6/1 was a month ago, no.
They are due in stores sometime this month (July) though, supposedly. I believe middle of the month.
15 years, 8 months ago
when are they due in TRU stores. Is it still 6/1?
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Doctor Venkman;150657
What are you talking about?
Comparing the Minimates to the TPB (unless you mean the Titan Books one) is like comparing a dog and a cockroach… in other words, odd. The Minimates are coming. The TPB from 88 MPH never came to ANYONE. Like I said, unless you mean the Titan Books one… in which case you need to take that up with your comic store.
First of all, Diamond is probably the largest “partner” a comic book store can have. They have their problems sometimes, but chances are your store is ordering improperly.
Second of all, why would the publicity of the GB figs mean that your dreams are “too big”? Its fantastic that they're being publicized. This will hopefully lead to even more sales, which means more figures. I don't see how that's dreaming “too big”.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Oh please, be easy on me.
1st I was talking about the second TPB. My comicbook store wasn't able to get it.
2nd Diamonds looks nice, but I've ordered a “suicide girl” gamecards, David Bowie's labyrinth necklace, some collectible figures (I probably forget some other things), since like 2 years now, I even payed for some items to show I was interested, but I never received anything.
3rd because of this, I don't think I will receive any of the GB figures if I decide to order them. That's why I said that my dreams, or hopes if you prefer, are too big.
In the past, I received a figure that I have ordered. But the price was like the double of what I thought. I didn't took it. The guy said there was no problem, someone else was goin to take it. I think it's the reason. I even asked them but they said Diamond got problems with special orders; they even sometime receive items ordered since a couple years ago. Sometime, they never get anything. So, I don't think I'm gonna be lucky with them. I should directly order from the website with a prepaid credit card.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Doctor Venkman;150769
Ok way to over-react to my post. I was giving you the information that you were mis-informed on.
And yes, its pretty simple. Stop being a drama queen about it, and just order them from a website. You won't get gouged on the price on most sites (not eBay), and you'll be guaranteed to either get the figures or get your money back. Toyrocket.com for example, is a good one that has 2 of the exclusives and both box sets right now.
15 years, 8 months ago
I think we both didn't understand the way each other's message sounded; did we read each other like if we were on onffensive, when in fact we were only answering? I raised an eyebrow in front of your reaction (like you probably did when reading my reply); why it surprised me, doesn't it almost always happen on a messageboard
Thank you for the information, though. Toysrus.com realy have them! Maybe they'll have the 6-12inch too? .ca has no minimates… I hope they'll ship to canada.