Ghostbusters Minimates

by newrecruit1

15 years, 6 months ago

It's not an exclusive for for a short period of time? Like a marketing thing? You sure it won't reach the stores?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

It's not an exclusive for for a short period of time? Like a marketing thing? You sure it won't reach the stores?

Nope. Its completely exclusive to at this point. Just like their Masters of the Universe line. Those are only available on the website, not in stores.

They've said that if the figures sell well enough, they may be able to convince stores to carry them and then they would start putting them out. Basically, stores like Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, etc. want to use their shelf space on “known sellers”, not an 80's revival until its proven to sell well.

1 new figure every month (or every two months by some media outlets), on They will sell out probably within an hour every time.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 6 months ago


I went to my local comic store and BANG theyre they were. i bought two (open/closed) they weere 19.99 at grahm crackers, i was like, no they are 15.99 priced by diamond and u go off of diamonds pricing. he said i have to check, and after all that i got them for 15.99 each. they are very nice, loose pics coming soon.(*peter)

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago


I went to my local comic store and BANG theyre they were. i bought two (open/closed) they weere 19.99 at grahm crackers, i was like, no they are 15.99 priced by diamond and u go off of diamonds pricing. he said i have to check, and after all that i got them for 15.99 each. they are very nice, loose pics coming soon.(*peter)

Very nice! I'm sure my comic shop will have them in today, but I already ordered 2 from ToyRocket… so I'll just have to wait for them to ship.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 6 months ago

My Toys R Us didn't know what I was talking about, but the one two-pack I was able to grab from should be shipping today. I have a feeling those will be findable in the stores next week sometime.

I'll check my comic store tomorrow; didn't feel like walking in the rain any more than I had to today.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

Hmmm… I'm debating just going to my comic shop and picking up a box set today, even though my 2 are on the way.

Is there anyone out there who would want to purchase one of my other two off of me? I'll only ask for exactly what I paid, plus shipping to you. This might help someone too who can't get the box set.

To be clear, I'm referring to the 4-pack of Egon, Peter, Dana, and Louis.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 6 months ago

be carefull when taking the terror dog parts off of louis, they ae on teher pretty good, also when u open the package the acceseries came flying out. take your time.

by lionheart1

15 years, 6 months ago

Went all around town, nobody had them here. I guess I should be used to that by now… all the good stores for action figures here closed a few years ago.

by geoff

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm going to start looking soon. the only box set i don't have on order is slimed peter and slimer. i will be scrambling to get that one and if ican't find it would someone grab one for me???

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 6 months ago

Well, Toyrocket has sent me the email stating the my Series 1 box set has been mailed - so that's a good thing.

Also, Proton Charging is now reporting that Diamond has confirmed the Video Game ghosts box set will become available - some at the SDCC and the rest being sent to specialty stores. I hope I can find some place to order them online, because my stores here aren't worth crap.