Ghostbusters Minimates

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Ah want these. They look shiny and shiny things attract mah attention. Those packs look friggin' sweet. Mah dreams are less detailed than these things (that's a lie but Ah won't subject y'all to that li'l bit o' terror. Ah'd like to point out the one thing the world seems to forget about Minimates. The most important thing. They're pocket sized. Think about it. Y'all can take your dreams on the go. You can literally carry an entire world of Ghostbustin' adventure in your pants!

Hmm….you know, if what Ah just said seems wrong to you then yer mind is even further in the gutter than mine and Ah live in Philadelphia. Ba-zing.

But seriously these things are awesome….and injected with more pizazz than any other Ghostbusters toy we have even had the pleasure of being subjected to.

Dude, stop speakin like a freakin moron. “I” is not spelled “ah”. Stop being an idiot.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Dan, this passive aggressiveness is starting to get a little tiring, did you have to call him a moron?

Despite the way he voiced it, however… I must agree with him about the accent, faerfaron. I tried to work with it, even by trying to read it as “I” instead of “ah”… but it's just really annoying, and completely unneccesary. It really isn't entertaining at all.

“Y'all” I have no problem with, but “Ah” is just pushing it.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Dan, this passive aggressiveness is starting to get a little tiring, did you have to call him a moron?

Despite the way he voiced it, however… I must agree with him about the accent, faerfaron. I tried to work with it, even by trying to read it as “I” instead of “ah”… but it's just really annoying, and completely unneccesary. It really isn't entertaining at all.

“Y'all” I have no problem with, but “Ah” is just pushing it.

I said he was speaking like a moron. Yes, I did call him an idiot, but sorry… he's speaking like an uneducated person. If he thinks its funny or “cool” to be speaking like an uneducated person, then I'm going to call him on it. You'll notice I pointed out “mah” and “ah” and that crap. “Y'all” is fine, but purposely mispelling the word “my” and “I” is just blatantly uneducated.

I'm not being passive aggressive. I'm stating my opinion. He is speaking like an uneducated person, and I think its stupid. I was pretty clear in that. I'm not being aggressive. I'm stating my opinion on the matter.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Don't worry Doctor Venkman, Ah think he's sound like a dingbat as well. :p

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135037
I said he was speaking like a moron. Yes, I did call him an idiot, but sorry… he's speaking like an uneducated person. If he thinks its funny or “cool” to be speaking like an uneducated person, then I'm going to call him on it. You'll notice I pointed out “mah” and “ah” and that crap. “Y'all” is fine, but purposely mispelling the word “my” and “I” is just blatantly uneducated.

I'm not being passive aggressive. I'm stating my opinion. He is speaking like an uneducated person, and I think its stupid. I was pretty clear in that. I'm not being aggressive. I'm stating my opinion on the matter.

Seriously, why you making a big deal of it? I skipped the post like most when going through the thread.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Seriously, why you making a big deal of it? I skipped the post like most when going through the thread.

I work in grammar for a living. It annoys me when people purposely misspell words that are easier, and in this case shorter. Its not cool… or funny. Its annoying.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years ago

well shoot…ah really done mind myself. ah done seen no difference

by BradRedfield

16 years ago

Actually, they're on both.

Venkman has the correct patch placement…yet he doesn't have the untucked boot legs as seen in one of the earlier promotional pics. So they definitely aren't finished.

As for availability and price: There was a sign that said the second set (Ray, Winston, Gozer, Slimer, Stay Puft) is supposed to come out this fall at $15.99.

I'm actually more excited about these than I am about Mattel's stuff.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Brad Redfield;135069
Venkman has the correct patch placement…yet he doesn't have the untucked boot legs as seen in one of the earlier promotional pics. So they definitely aren't finished.

As for availability and price: There was a sign that said the second set (Ray, Winston, Gozer, Slimer, Stay Puft) is supposed to come out this fall at $15.99.

I'm actually more excited about these than I am about Mattel's stuff.

Yea, I'll def be picking these up at that price. They look fun, and they're inexpensive, so it won't be a big deal.

Can't agree with you about the excitement level though, Brad. I'm definitely more excited for Mattel's stuff (particularly the 6" figures).

by faerfaron

16 years ago

OK, well, damn then I'll just type like this from now on. I was going for a modified phonetic spelling to simulate my accent which apparently makes me uneducated now. That was rude. I only went for it because tone and sound are kind of important to how people speak, which I always felt was lost in text. I mean, dingbats like Shakespeare made up words and wrote things out as they wanted it to be heard all the time. It was an experiment. A failed experiment apparently. Because I am “a moron, an idiot, and a dingbat” because I decided to type things out a little differently. But hey, why bother. I'll stop. Because I don't wanna rock the boat. The internet boat. No need to get all twitchy and burst a blood vessel.

That waste of time said: I enjoy the fact that the different characters all come with different accessories. Otherwise there would be 4 characters with the same body and a different head. Kinda…sorry. Seems kind of boring if you ask me. If they did Dana and Louis, does anyone think they're gonna throw in Melnitz, Peck, and the Statue? Mayhaps a car or two as well?