Ghostbusters Minimates

by Chad

15 years, 8 months ago

After looking all over Chicago (including 3 Toys R Us stores and 6 Comic Shops) I finally scored two boxes of Ghostbusters Series 1 Minimates at Chicago Comics on Clark St.

I'm very impressed with the attention to detail and I didn't expect the Minimates to be as poseable as they are. All in all, I'm glad these were the debut Ghostbusters action figures and I think Art Asylum did a terrific job. I will have a formal writeup on the GBN Blog soon.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

After looking all over Chicago (including 3 Toys R Us stores and 6 Comic Shops) I finally scored two boxes of Ghostbusters Series 1 Minimates at Chicago Comics on Clark St.

I'm very impressed with the attention to detail and I didn't expect the Minimates to be as poseable as they are. All in all, I'm glad these were the debut Ghostbusters action figures and I think Art Asylum did a terrific job. I will have a formal writeup on the GBN Blog soon.

hey man just ask me to help you next time, us chi-town guys gotta stick together if u wanna survive toy collecting. i help u, u help me. that goes for all CHICAGO members!

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

HEY LADIES AND GENTS… has the first wave Minimates back up. 3 of the 5 sets say “Out of Stock, Temporarily Unavailable”, but GB2 Winston/Terror Dog and Slimed Venkman/Slimer are both currently available.

Get them while you can!

by Chad

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;151139
HEY LADIES AND GENTS… has the first wave Minimates back up. 3 of the 5 sets say “Out of Stock, Temporarily Unavailable”, but GB2 Winston/Terror Dog and Slimed Venkman/Slimer are both currently available.

Get them while you can!

Thanks for the tip. I ordered mine yesterday afternoon and I'm waiting to post on the blog as I hope / suspect the “Out of Stock” items will be fulfilled on Monday. Here's hoping.

by inherprime

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't know if I should order as I will be buying doubles of each? And since I will be out of town on release day 7/12 and can't go search for some
Maybe if they all come back in stock? How much does shipping come out to for 10 of them on

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

We got one! (*janine)

2 hours on the road before finding them. I was very lucky, the only item left and the store closed in ten minutes. I can't believe it. How this got here? It's like it just pop up on my table.

I called ToysRus yesterday and they said that this item is not available to my area, that I need to go in the US to get it. Why? Because the box is not in french and the law here ask for french package; this answer came from the store. They can get it because it's a product available for stores and they manage something in Canada. They'll have the other boxset next month.

But for the 6/12inch replica, it's a special order, they said, because the product isn't made for stores (you need to order directly from the website); normaly it's not an option for their clients, the price gets high because of the shiping and they need to make profit; the price can double. The person said that it'll be difficult to get them, even for him, that if he's able to get one, he'll keep it for him. I must be prepared to pay like more than 40$ for the 6inch figures, if I decide to order anyway. 40$…

by Chad

15 years, 8 months ago

It's nice to see photos and read first impressions of new Ghostbusters product, ,keep them coming! I'm really enjoying the photos. I think we should create a separate thread to mimic scenes in the films, especially once the new series and exclusive Toys R Us Ghostbusters Minimates become available.

Speaking of which, has anyone gotten their hands on the Wave 1 Ghostbusters Minimates from Toys R Us? I was able to order Winston (Ghostbusters II flight suit) and Terror Dog as well as Slimer and Slimed Pete. :-)

Looking forward to picking up the rest in stores, which seems to be 7/12. Correct me if I'm wrong.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't know if I should order as I will be buying doubles of each? And since I will be out of town on release day 7/12 and can't go search for some
Maybe if they all come back in stock? How much does shipping come out to for 10 of them on

I ordered 2 of each, and I believe my shipping total came out to $9.95 or something like that… And it didn't change even though they shipped them in 4 different packages for some reason.

They should be here today, I'll post pics later.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago


We got one! (*janine)

2 hours on the road before finding them. I was very lucky, the only item left and the store closed in ten minutes. I can't believe it. How this got here? It's like it just pop up on my table.

I called ToysRus yesterday and they said that this item is not available to my area, that I need to go in the US to get it. Why? Because the box is not in french and the law here ask for french package; this answer came from the store. They can get it because it's a product available for stores and they manage something in Canada. They'll have the other boxset next month.

But for the 6/12inch replica, it's a special order, they said, because the product isn't made for stores (you need to order directly from the website); normaly it's not an option for their clients, the price gets high because of the shiping and they need to make profit; the price can double. The person said that it'll be difficult to get them, even for him, that if he's able to get one, he'll keep it for him. I must be prepared to pay like more than 40$ for the 6inch figures, if I decide to order anyway. 40$…

Ah good to hear they will be coming to Canada. At least now I don't have to find it online. But where did you manage to find that one Recruit? You didn't mention where you found it.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Ah good to hear they will be coming to Canada. At least now I don't have to find it online. But where did you manage to find that one Recruit? You didn't mention where you found it.

That's what the guy told me but I don't understand; it's true about the french details but ToysRus.CA doesn't have them on their website and their service told me that I need to go in the US to get it. I've found the product in a toysreseller store.

It's nice to see photos and read first impressions of new Ghostbusters product

They got style, funny well made, you want to keep them in package. I hope a trap will come with boxset number 2 and to be able to get the whole collection, two of each item; one for my nephew and one for myself

But the streams looks like one of those creatures that only lives in japanimation… I'm not worried, I'm sure Zuul can deal with them…