Ghostbusters Minimates

by Venkman582

15 years, 8 months ago

I am planing to order the first set from at the end of the week.

These toys look great, the amount of detail that goes into such a small figure is astounding, I can't wait to see what else Diamond select has planed for the Ghostbusters line up.

Crosses fingers and hopes for an in scale Ecto 1

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

EDIT: For some reason this double posted…

Mods, please delete.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, looks like I'm the lucky duck to snag the TRU exclusives first… Here are some pics of my Minimates collection so far.


Courtroom Peter and Washington Square Ghost:

Gooey Ray and Exploding Stay Puft:

Egon and Library Ghost (note this is the same Egon from the 4-pack):

GB2 Winston and Terror Dog:

Slimed Peter and Slimer:

I will say, I'm not impressed with's shipping method. They simply put the Minimate boxes in a padded envelope and mailed them. I had ordered 2 of each set, to keep one in the box… so luckily 1 of each wasn't damaged. None of them were horrible, but a few of them were slightly dented.

I'd have to say right now, my favorite packs are Gooey Ray/Exploding Stay Puft and Slimed Venkman/Slimer… definitely very cool, and very “GB”.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 8 months ago

The only time I ever ordered from TRU previously was when they had that exclusive Rorschach figure from “Watchmen”. Same deal, they put the thing in an envelope. There were 12 “Watchmen” figures made in similar packaging. The other 11 arrived at my house in mint condition. The other 11 didn't come from TRU.

But I'm an opener so I can't really complain, but that's not to say that the MOC'ers can't complain.

Maybe TRU could afford better packaging if they charged a bit more for shipping (give people the option, again, some people want their packages in good condition) and/or shipped items together. My 5 TRU packs shipped in 4 different shipments.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

My 5 TRU packs shipped in 4 different shipments.

As did mine… how weird.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Venkman, shorten your stream! I don't want my face burned off!

I must admit, taking Louis's head out of the terror dog was not easy. I know why they didn't give the same torture to Dana… they respect her. Taking them out the package was nothing but I needed like 10 minutes to finish Louis, no wonder why he's so dirty; but it was a nice puzzle.

It's surprising how the packs are detailed. But I'm sure the cable won't last long and I bet your kids will always be after you to make you transform Louis (it'll be hell for you, I tell you). They are a bit hard to move, they look a little fragile but they're ok. I wish the arms could move above the elbow, under the shoulder; it would be easier to put both hands on the wand.

looks better with two hands on the wand

If you want to take off the pack, just pull the clothes off the body. By the way, Egon's left elbow doesn't hold correctly on its arm.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 8 months ago

By the way, Egon's left elbow doesn't hold correctly on its arm.

That sucks. I have two identical Egons (it's the first duplicated figure as it comes in both the first 4-pack and one of the 2-packs in the first TRU wave) and neither have this problem.

I don't know if you're collecting all the variants like me (in which case you'll end up with an extra set of the 4 “main” figures, I'm probably going to be taking my spare set to work to put on my desk) but if you do you should have plenty of opportunities to replace it since they all have identical arms and you should have 4 spares.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

in which case you'll end up with an extra set of the 4 “main” figures, I'm probably going to be taking my spare set to work to put on my desk

That's funny. That's exactly what I was thinking of doing.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 8 months ago

just went to Toys R us and they just got the Mini mates in this mornings shipment. I looked all over the store. They had them under Marvel Mini Mates but I was happy. They only had about 10 total. Myrtle Beach SC.

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

Who turned out the lights!?

FINALLY found one of the four packs today after about a week of searching. PS: There is nothing in Muncie, Indiana. Anywhere. Ever. Gotta go to Indianapolis to find anything good. -_- Anywho… I'm glad I found them. Hopefully TRU will get the 2 packs in soon, I really want to nab all of these, I love the way they look.