Ghostbusters Minimates

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

I finally got to open one of my sets. These are going to display great.

I looked back over the past couple of pages and didn't see a comment about this (so if I misssed one - sorry): Is the extra clip on gooey Ray's belt (back left side) the spot for a trap, which we don't have yet? It would make since. Also, since Ray put the trap down before blasting gozer, he would have gotten in his gooey state without a trap on his belt.

Each of the guys has a spot for something to hang on, so that's probably just part of the mold, not that there's a plan for an accessory specifically for Gooey Ray.

And also, I think its probably just a nice coincidence that Ray had put his trap down and that he doesn't come with one. I highly doubt that that was planned.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 7 months ago

And I think the reason that Toys R Us hasn't sent out your order may be the fact that you've ordered TRU Wave Two. If you're saying they're all different than the ones you picked up today, then I can only assume that you ordered Wave Two, since those are the only Minimates that were ever available on

Wrong. The first series has been available at sporadically. Initially both waves were available on there, the first one sold out and the second one remained. When the first wave actually started shipping they were briefly available to order again but they sold out very quickly.

I personally haven't set foot in a TRU store since November because I don't have one locally, yet I have all 5 of the TRU 2-packs because I ordered all 10 2-packs the very day they were originally available for pre-order on the site.

I'm pretty sure people were bitching here about the horrible packaging TRU used for shipping them and I know it was a big deal at so it's not as if their limited availability on the site is some little-known secret.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Wrong. The first series has been available at sporadically. Initially both waves were available on there, the first one sold out and the second one remained. When the first wave actually started shipping they were briefly available to order again but they sold out very quickly.

I personally haven't set foot in a TRU store since November because I don't have one locally, yet I have all 5 of the TRU 2-packs because I ordered all 10 2-packs the very day they were originally available for pre-order on the site.

I'm pretty sure people were bitching here about the horrible packaging TRU used for shipping them and I know it was a big deal at so it's not as if their limited availability on the site is some little-known secret.

Wrong. I wasn't saying that TRU Wave One was never available on, because that's where I got mine from.

The guy said the ones he's expecting from that have not shipped out yet are different from the ones he picked up in the TRU store… considering only TRU Wave One is available right now, those must be the ones he picked up. If the ones he's expecting from are different, than the only logical explanation is that he ordered TRU Wave Two, since has only ever carried TRU Wave One and TRU Wave Two.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 7 months ago

venkman is right , i thought i ordered the first set but i ordered the second

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

well, my buddy is picking me up 2 staypuft/peter packs and the angry stay puft bank (and egon of cousre). i am having a hard time reaching him to get the video game mm's. its weird no one has tried to scalp them on ebay yet….the 25th one was a suprise but now its gonna be a ***** to find, i really want one of thsoe for my car


15 years, 7 months ago

I need to see if my local TRU has the first series. Kinda sucks they don't have them on the site. But, I pre-ordered all the future ones.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 7 months ago

Got my Series 1 Box 1 over the weekend. Kinda stubbled across it at a Newbury Comics. Great little toys but are kinda annoying to stand up on their own and I had a hell of a time getting the Terror Dog head off of Tully's.

A great buy non-the-less, can't wait for the next set due out 11/11/09.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, I had the same problem with the terror dog. Most of mine are propped up against something as getting them to stand straight is a bit tricky (might have something to do with the extra weight of the pack as Louis and Dana stand up fine).

I hope my SDCC pack ships from toyrocket soon…

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 7 months ago

I hope my SDCC pack ships from toyrocket soon…

I've been thinking the same thing! I check online every other day or so to see if the status has changed. Of course, online it still says that the Series 1 box set is on pre-order even though I've got it in my hands from them.

by onlyzuul1

15 years, 7 months ago

well, after two trips, i FINALLY got all of the TRU exclusives. They rock!

i think that my favorites are Courtroom Peter, Gooey Ray, and the Library Ghost.