Ghostbusters Minimates

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I enjoy the fact that the different characters all come with different accessories. Otherwise there would be 4 characters with the same body and a different head. Kinda…sorry. Seems kind of boring if you ask me. If they did Dana and Louis, does anyone think they're gonna throw in Melnitz, Peck, and the Statue? Mayhaps a car or two as well?

I completely agree regarding the characters. They would still be cool, and look great on first seeing them, but they'd lose their luster over time if it was basically the same body, just with 4 different heads.

As for Janine, Peck, and the statue… who knows? If they do well, maybe we could see a third series of these and we'd get those. They'd definitely be good ones to have.

I don't know much about Minimates, but if they could make a car to fit these figures, I'd definitely buy it.

by BradRedfield

16 years ago

These are gonna sell like hotcakes so we could get a third wave with Peck, Janine, etc…but I doubt we'll get any vehicles. The Back to the Future minimates have yet to receive a matching DeLorean.

The best we can hope for is a new 1:24 scale Ecto-1. That would fit with the minimates.

by ajquick1

16 years ago

You guys should help write the new Minimates section @ GBFans.

by JeffB

16 years ago

All very cool- especially Slimer with the visible stomach. Nice touch. :-)
Stay Puft- just seems a little off to me.(;_

No Janine love?! (*janine) She could come with a little desk and Egon in a lab coat. Is there an Ecto-1 on the way too? It's one of the reasons I passed up on the Back to the Future Minimates. No Delorean? C'mon! (*egon)

by Dr.D

16 years ago

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years ago

whoa, I'm liking the Terror Dogs and Stay Puft. Although I'm not liking the cast..

by Kingpin

16 years ago

How about the Angry Stay Puft

Simply awesome. Interesting that they're making it actually 3D.

by Ectoman57

16 years ago

i think they are gonna organize this like they did with BTTF, have half a set come out at a time or both at the same time, i dont lie that guns are connected to the pack but hey. also the terror dog is ok at best, all in all im very happy, i will be buying at least one full set of these, maybe another set that has the stay puft in it. since they come out in the summer im getting the Stay puft bank from my brother for my birthday, i really like that. also if the Master replica line is canceld im not sad, im actually happy, i didnt have the money for them anywyas, now i can spend my money on the figures from mattel and not feel bad, i have stopped colecting alot of items for this year. now its only my Ghostbuters stuff and my justice league unlimited figures.

by Venkman582

16 years ago

This is fantastic, now I can some GB small enough to take with me were ever I go.

I have never bought any Minimates before, thought I can understand why they so popular with movie/ comic book fans and gamers. A mini Ecto 1 would really be the icing on already sweet cake, thought I would also love to see more of the ghosts from the first film as well.

by ajquick1

16 years ago