Ghostbusters Minimates

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 7 months ago

Extreme Ghostbusters? Why?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 7 months ago

Extreme Ghostbusters? Why?

Some of us actually liked EGB

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

I wouldn't hold my breath on a XGB line.

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 7 months ago

Some of us actually liked EGB

Egb was okay, I just wasnt crazy about the new recruits. A ghostbuster in a wheelchair is not too believable. It's like joe swanson(cop) on family guy that's meant to be funny. I think they aged the gb's too much for only being mia for 6 yrs.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

at wizard world chicago this year you could pick up the SDCC GB:TVG set for 16 dollars. and for every gb item u bought they gave you the 25th aniversery lol minimate. I grabbed one extra one, if someone here collects minimates im willing to trade it or sell it to the first person to emails me, id prefer to trade for random minimates that i need. I would love to get EGB minimates

just incase anyone wants to trade for a SDCC set, heres what im looking for:

Tony Stark & Iron Monger************MAJOR WANT
Stealth Iron Man**MAJOR WANT
Hobgoblin and Scarlet Spider
Zombie Wolverine
Cyclops from X-Men Darktide Boxset
2-pack Ghost Rider
MOVIE Juggernaut and Beast
Assault Punisher and Blade
Red Hulk*****MAJOR WANT

Lobo*****BIG WANT

Enchantment Under the Sea 2-Pack
future Marty (with hoverboard)
Series one Marty

The spirit (just him, must have all his pieces)
Terminator 2 Endoskeleton complete
Ghostbusters: exploding Stay puft, ********BIG WANT

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 6 months ago

Just got off the phone with ToyRocket customer service. I was told that they couldn't directly refund my money because of the bankruptcy stay. I'm on a list for a refund if/when the court allows them to start granting those again. Here was the email confirmation I got:

Thank you for your order from We understand that you have requested a refund for the order you placed on 21-May-2009. Unfortunately, as of July 26th, 2009, as a result of our filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection we are currently prohibited from processing direct refunds for any orders placed before the filing date. However we are currently in the process of getting authority from the Bankruptcy Court which will allow us to process your request. Please rest assured that Toy Rocket is still in business and continues to receive, process and ship all orders as usual. If you choose NOT to cancel your order, the order will be filled and processed when the product comes in. We understand how confusing this can be and appreciate your patience as we work through these issues. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the future.

Please feel free to email or call us with any questions. Thank you again for your order from

DATE: 21-May-2009
ORDER #: 2

SHIPPED TO:===========

0 GBMM10003 Minimates: Ghostbusters > Dr. Ray Stantz & Slimer (Glow In The Dark) Action Figure 2-Pack $5.99
2 GBMM10001 Minimates: Ghostbusters > Series 1 Action Figure Box Set $13.99
0 GBMM10002 Minimates: Ghostbusters > Series 2 Action Figure Box Set $13.99
0 GBCC09002 Minimates: Ghostbusters 2009 SDCC Exclusive > Peter Venkmen & Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Action Figure 2-Pack $6.99

Product Total: $27.98
Sales Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $19.95
Discount: $0.00
Surcharge: $0.00
Grand Total: $47.93
BalanceDue: ($53.94)

He said that right now they are still in business and do have permission to send out pre-orders they get into stock. So that if my order still stands when the 2nd box set or Ray & Slimer come in, they will be shipped to me. However, he did confirm that they will not be receiving any of the SDCC Pete and Stay Puft. (Glad I ordered through corner store comics). What sucks is that right now I can't get my money back for those even though they know they won't get any. He said I can either wait for the court to allow refunds or I could pick a different item from their site that is the same price.

As it stands now, i have ask for a full refund of all outstanding items. Hopefully I'll get my money back and can then order through DST or another site. Dr. V., I'm glad you got your money back when you talked to them, but I'm not happy with it at all.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

GhstbstrLMLIII, that totally blows… I hope you at least have all your orders filled eventually and that you get your money back, but that sucks that you're going to have to go through the bankruptcy lawyers and stuff.

dKid, that's an awesome looking collection. Did you put the extra Egon's head on an extra Winston's body? I see you have 3 Terror Dogs… so I was figuring you put the extra Egon's body in the Terror Dog shell.

Looks good. I'm hoping we get a GB2 Egon at somepoint too… and then maybe a Courtroom Egon and a Courtroom Ray that each come with a Scoleri Brother.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 6 months ago

What is series 2 going to be again? Since Toys R Us took them off the site I forgot what’s next and when the release date is.

Also is there any news about the 3rd series yet?

I would love a GBII Janine! (*janine)

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

thanks venk! yes i have many extra winstons and egons so I made one egon a GB2 and winston GB 1 . And the three dogs is an extra minimate i tore apart to create the third (terminator swat guy) The girl is “starbuck” from galatica. Im gonna make her an official GB when i get some other extra sets. She wont fit on ones with the pack since here hair is too long so i put her on gooey ray since i removed his pack. I think i got every minimate so far. Forgot to put in my limited minimate i just realized(;_

“I'm hoping we get a GB2 Egon at somepoint too… and then maybe a Courtroom Egon and a Courtroom Ray that each come with a Scoleri Brother.”


I need a regular gb1 ray , i think theres a GB2 ray coming with the glow in the dark slimer