Ghostbusters Minimates

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

that is correct , we only get 1 courtroom peter , and every other one has doubles, winston triples , everytime i go in theres always winstons

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

got in my preorder SDCC exclusive stay puft and gb 2 venkman from bigbadtoystore

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

If anyone happens to find an extra Egon-Library Ghost pack, I'm looking for one.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

toys r us says my winston and taxi ghost will be here 9/1/09 - 9/3/09 and has obviously shipped

by bigtonay

15 years, 6 months ago

me too!! although i was worried when i saw it was gonna be 16$ 7 for the minimates 2 for tax and 7 for shipping. i immediately called up toys r us, thinking that it was gonna be 9 for shipping and tax for each. luckily they informed me that that was a one time charge for all of the mini mates i ordered and that the rest would only be charged their 7$ amount.
almost had a heartattack thinking each was gonna cost 16$. and now the excitement of waiting!!

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

me too!! although i was worried when i saw it was gonna be 16$ 7 for the minimates 2 for tax and 7 for shipping. i immediately called up toys r us, thinking that it was gonna be 9 for shipping and tax for each. luckily they informed me that that was a one time charge for all of the mini mates i ordered and that the rest would only be charged their 7$ amount.
almost had a heartattack thinking each was gonna cost 16$. and now the excitement of waiting!!

yes, one time shipping , it would be REALLY expensive if not, 16 per double pack times 4/5 packs. DAMN!

by sigep756

15 years, 6 months ago

I checked on my Winston/Taxi Ghost but the site still shows them backordered…however I did receive an email today that my Peter/Energized Terror Dog is on the way.

by RoastedZuul

15 years, 6 months ago

I received an email from that my Louis and Slimer shipped and would be delivered 9/02-9/04. Yet when I called them they said Ray w/Stay Puft and Winston/Jogger Ghost were so far backordered she did not see a release date. Wonder what THAT's all about…

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 6 months ago

I received an email from that my Louis and Slimer shipped and would be delivered 9/02-9/04. Yet when I called them they said Ray w/Stay Puft and Winston/Jogger Ghost were so far backordered she did not see a release date. Wonder what THAT's all about…

There is no winston/jogger pack so if they told you that they don't even know what the sets include let alone when they will be available.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 6 months ago

There is no winston/jogger pack so if they told you that they don't even know what the sets include let alone when they will be available.

Looks like it's Winston/TaxiCab Driver

Jogger comes with LabCoat Egon