i noticed that too, well, i went into my local TRU this morning at opening, went to where they shelf the minimamtes and BAM…..2 FULL SETS, i picked them up and killed my wallet. the funny thing again is that only 2 of these sets has the TRU silver sticker on them, i wonder why that is……. anyways im happy i got my extra venkman to mess around with.
with these 2 waves and that.
for all those wondering about case packings its 2 of each except there are 3 rays/ stay puft (good choice) and 3 peters/ t-dog. i was really tempted to buy a third ray so i could have his peices. im very happy with this wave, my favorite is probably ray/ staypuft cause ray gets the goggles and trap, and we finally get a regular happy staypuft, no exploding or glow in the dark, just the way he should be.
the choices they made for this wave are good, its nice to see the other less popular ghosts get figures. im also happy that there were no duplicate chars in this wave, whati mean by that is that there was not 2 of the same character (courtroom/slimed peter).
if there is a wave 3 hopefully we will get these packs:
courtroom ray and Scolerri brother
Courtroom egon and Scolerri brother
GB2 egon and Vigo
janine and walter peck
and another one, idk what except for the obious varients