Ghostbusters Minimates

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 6 months ago

well just got my last 2 boxes from The Ray/Stay Puft packs came beautifully. However, they only shipped me 1 Peter/Terror Dog, even though I had paid for 2. After 30 minutes on the phone with customer service, they have credited my card for the missing figure and said that “when” it comes back in stock, if I call in to place my order, they'll give me 10% off and free shipping. I'm not going to hold my breath for it coming back into stock on the website though. Dang.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

My Venkman/Terror Dog pack is the only one I'm waiting on from… here's hoping it actually comes.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 6 months ago

Just as i thought! Ray and stay puft ship confirmation!! Talked to customer serivce again and asked AGAIN about my louis and they said items will still be stocking till the end of the month and maybe even into october. So honestly no worries on the pre orders

by lionheart1

15 years, 6 months ago

Any word on the release date for the series 2 4-pack?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

DkiD Clue;154188
So honestly no worries on the pre orders

Eh, I dunno about that. More than one person (myself included) has had some issues.

Here's my story, I ordered 2 of each one (I keep one in the package and one out for display).

First, Winston/Taxi Ghost shipped (and charged).
Then, I got an e-mail stating that 1 of my Slimer/Louis sets was cancelled.
Then, I got a package that contained 2 Egon/Jogger Ghosts and 2 Slimer/Louis sets (having never gotten a shipping confirmation).
Then, I got another package that contained a Slimer/Louis set (bringing my total to 3), which was also charged.
Then, I got a package that contained my Ray/Stay Puft sets.
Then, I got a package that contained only 1 Peter/Terror Dog set.

All the while, I only ever received 1 shipping confirmation, and have only been charged for the 2 Winston/Taxi Ghost sets and 1 Slimer/Louis set.

When I called yesterday to get it sorted out, they said that they would push an update through on my order so that everything would get charged (it would've eventually, so its nice to finally have my finances sorted out). However, she refunded me for one Peter/Terror Dog set and said to call back when they get more in stock and I'll get a 10% off coupon, and free expedited shipping. (She said they'll be getting more in stock on Sunday). The interesting thing (and I'm skeptical about this, so we'll see what happens), is that she said I was given a free Slimer/Louis set because I ordered 2… doesn't sound right to me, but hey, if I end up with a free Slimer/Louis set out of this, I have no problem. Just need to make sure I get another Peter/Terror Dog from somewhere else, and I'm all set.

by Venkman582

15 years, 6 months ago

My parents were kind enough to send my Ghostbusters II Winston & Terror Dog set to me at college along with a couple of other things that I had asked for. The minimates look great and I can't wait to get the Peter & Terror Dog set and Winston & Taxi driver zombie when Amazon send them out. Also I hope at some point to get Slimed Peter & Slimer, Egon & the Grey lady, Courtroom Peter & Washington Square ghost, and Gooey Ray & Exploding Stay Puft sets. I read recently in Toyfare magazine that the first series of Minimates is really heating up sales wise in the secondary market place so keep your eyes open, I know I am .

by Goesher

15 years, 5 months ago

DkiD Clue;154188
Just as i thought! Ray and stay puft ship confirmation!! Talked to customer serivce again and asked AGAIN about my louis and they said items will still be stocking till the end of the month and maybe even into october. So honestly no worries on the pre orders
Blegh, that kinda sucks, I have 3 of the 5 ordered still on backorder: Loius, Egon, Winston sets.:-(

by inherprime

15 years, 5 months ago

Cleaned out my TRU of series 2 mates, finally completing the guys!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 5 months ago

Great pics! I really wish my local TRU didn't suck so much.

by inherprime

15 years, 5 months ago

Since release day I had to wait a whole week for them to come in stock and Im in Texas as well.