Ghostbusters Minimates

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

Oh! These are like a mini piece of Ghostbusters heaven! Specially looove that angry Mr.Staypuft head! So detailed and very impressive! Must buy them when I get the chance forsure haha


15 years, 10 months ago

hmm idk if this was asked already but can these be put on the Original RGB figures?

Im seeing this pictures and it looks like it can

by BradRedfield

15 years, 10 months ago

New blog post is up at Art Asylum:

New details:
- Peter has his boots untucked now
- Patch placement has been corrected
- Ray's ecto-goggles can be placed over his eyes
- SDCC Exclusive Stay Puft might be translucent red?

Man, I can't wait to get these! I'm ordering two of each set and a couple of other minimates to make custom ones. (Civie GBs and the Rookie from the game for example.)

by frankie09

15 years, 10 months ago

so far in the ghostbusters film series 1 which launched
in 2004 released the terror dog and gozer figures allong
with the marshmallow man and slimer figures from the movie
and there are constant custom made ghostbusters figures
of venkman stantz spengler and zeddmore on ebay but
an action figure of dana as the gatekeeper and louis as the
keymaster will be nice but there was an louis tully figure made for the
animated show the real ghostbusters but there are montages
of the demoness dana made on youtube all of them was made by me
go to youtube and type in the search demoness dana and you will
see them and there are also photo stills of demoness dana on yahoo
i am sure that they will make new additional figures from both gb movies
just hope and pray for now.

frankie smales

(ghostbusters fan)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 10 months ago

so far in the ghostbusters film series 1 which launched
in 2004 released the terror dog and gozer figures allong
with the marshmallow man and slimer figures from the movie
and there are constant custom made ghostbusters figures
of venkman stantz spengler and zeddmore on ebay but
an action figure of dana as the gatekeeper and louis as the
keymaster will be nice but there was an louis tully figure made for the
animated show the real ghostbusters but there are montages
of the demoness dana made on youtube all of them was made by me
go to youtube and type in the search demoness dana and you will
see them and there are also photo stills of demoness dana on yahoo
i am sure that they will make new additional figures from both gb movies
just hope and pray for now.

Wait… what?

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Lol, what?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

so far in the ghostbusters film series 1 which launched
in 2004 released the terror dog and gozer figures allong
with the marshmallow man and slimer figures from the movie
and there are constant custom made ghostbusters figures
of venkman stantz spengler and zeddmore on ebay but
an action figure of dana as the gatekeeper and louis as the
keymaster will be nice but there was an louis tully figure made for the
animated show the real ghostbusters but there are montages
of the demoness dana made on youtube all of them was made by me
go to youtube and type in the search demoness dana and you will
see them and there are also photo stills of demoness dana on yahoo
i am sure that they will make new additional figures from both gb movies
just hope and pray for now.

frankie smales

(ghostbusters fan)

You do realized that the minimates are not in any way similiar to the NECA figures

by onlyzuul1

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm SO excited for the Ghostbusters Minimates (i've been collecting the Marvel/DC ones for awhile, now)

I did happen to stumble upon these Toy's R Us exclusives coming out:


it said they are Two Packs, hoping they come with Slimed Versions of the boys (I did see scematics for a Slimed Venkman, yet no figure).

by BradRedfield

15 years, 10 months ago

Whoa! First Toys 'R Us gets some exclusive Terminator 2 minimates and now these! Nice! It is sort of odd that they'll carry these but not Mattel's stuff…of course, these take much less space than their 6-inch brothers.

So then we're getting other ‘mates paired up with these? It’d be cool to get all four GBs and not have to wait until fall to complete the team…

Though with all this minimate stuff coming out along with Mattel's figures, I might have to cancel my pre-order for the Wii Slimer Edition.

Toys R Us will offer an assortment of two-packs, each featuring an exclusive ghost including: the Library Ghost, Terror Dog, Washington Square Ghost, Slimer and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man! Look for the first assortment of exclusives to be available in Toys R Us stores nationwide this June.

Just a guess but is this that giant ghost from the “Flip City” montage in GBII?

by onlyzuul1

15 years, 10 months ago

i can't remember, i'll have to watch the 2nd one again.

anyone think that the Washington Square Ghost (the tan one) looks a little… RGB-ish?

which is AWESOME!

… wait! now i remember! the really big tan one standing over everyone.

Yeah, it probably is. why no Vigo, or posessed Ray?