Ghostbusters Minimates

by Venkman582

15 years, 5 months ago

According to Amazon .com the four minimates set is shipping on November 11.

Also if you want to get any of the first series figures, it is a good place to look I just got the Slimed Peter and Clear Slimer set from them.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 5 months ago


shipping confirmation on my louis and slimer set today! Already grabbed one tho:-O

by lionheart1

15 years, 5 months ago

Just got the rest of the Series 2 in the mail from my preorder. Man, the way TRU ships these is not good. The packaging is all bent to hell, it's awful. I'm actually glad I bought them from store for THAT reason.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 5 months ago

so i wnet to TRU last night after work, looking to see if they ever got any more mates in. it turns out they had 3, 2 peters and one ray. now I already have 2 of each but I wanted another staypuft, so now i have 3. hehe, hopefully soon i will get my series 2 4 packs. and i already preorderd my ray/ slimer sets. im hjoping by the time these are done i will have my two full sets.


15 years, 5 months ago

I got all 5 TRU wave 2 sets, the SDCC Peter & Stay Puft, and I have the 3 4-packs and Ray & Slimer on order.

What I'm missing are all the wave 1 guys. Apparently I missed the boat and if I really want them I have to pay upwards of $20 or more each, PLUS shipping. Uh, no. I'd like a full collection, but I'm not an idiot.

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 5 months ago

does anyone know if these are released in Canada?

no mention of it anywhere at and my local store didnt know either.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

Don't want to have this be considered spamming or anything, and if it is, mods please delete, but for those looking for Minimates, I have a bunch up for sale… I was trying to get a complete second set, but can't find an extra Egon/Library Ghost anywhere… That and I'm trying to fund a proton pack build right now.

My listing in the Marketplace…

I have everything that's been released except Egon/Library Ghost up for grabs right now.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

the blogs over at art asylum look promising:
Jacob Bartlett
I love the Ghostbusters Minimates! Thank you for bringing these awesome new things to fans! If you plan on doing a series three, I would like to see: Janine, the Rookie (from the game), the Scoleri Brothers from the 2nd film, and Vigo. Thanks again for making something great for GB fans!

DSTChuck: Some of the ones you list are VERY high on our list as well, so I think you’ll be happy but I think as far as the game goes we’re most likely going to keep it to that one box set.

Ethan Williams
Great work on the Ghostbusters Minimates! Do you have any plans for Real Ghostbusters Minimates? Also, why does the Slimer in the Louis/Slimer 2-pack have a painted on nose? I thought Minimates lacked noses as a matter of principle (the other Slimer figures lack noses as well)?

DSTChuck: Right now our license does not allow for Real Ghostbusters – but that could change. For now Sony and DST want to concentrate on more adult oriented collector product and the animation in some eyes skews the property younger. I keep meaning to ask the guys in NY about that nose, I’ll try and remember to ask next time we have call.

Gary Tabar
Is there any possibility of more Ghostbuster Minimates sets, since many of us are buying the Toys R Us exclusive sets, and don’t want additional figures to obtain the boxed only figures, like Dana and possessed Louis. Also, the Toys R Us exclusive sets are selling out everywhere as soon as they arrive… will series I and II continue to ship for any foreseeable future? We drove 250 miles the other day JUST trying to complete both series, and we are still missing a few sets. (Since we also have real life full uniforms and gear, we even picked up a Battlestar set, so we could make Minimate Ghostbusters of ourselves! They have been very popular with the biggest Ghostbuster fan/prop building web site, since release.)

DSTChuck: Gary, I would say at this point it’s more then possible, it’s probable that there will be more GB Minimates in 2010. I can not say that figures from one outlet will cross over to the next, so if you want to be sure, unfortunately you will need to pick up the comic store sets. I think the sales of GB in some of TRU’s stores caught them off guard and we’re all very sorry fans have not been able to pick up the figures in local stores. For series one we figured sales would be a little less then a Marvel release and for series two we created qty equal to a Marvel release, so in both case it was NTO our intention to short the market.

I really hope we get Scoleri Bros & Vigo…and maybe SlimeThrower Ray & Winston

by Ectoman57

15 years, 5 months ago

I never thought of slme blower versions of the guys. idk if they would give us a new pack sculpt but hey heres hopping.

Vgo and and the S brothers are a must, but i just rememberd somthing. is anyone else a lil upset that we never got the ghost trap that had the open attachment that slimer could fit in? I really wanted that

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 5 months ago

Ectoman - I remember seeing those designs. It looked really neat. It does appear that we'll get something like that with the mattel 6 inch line though.

And I've got a question, just to be sure: Was the “Gooey Ray” in Series 1 supposed to come with a trap? He has the spot on his belt for one, and I know several people said their series 2 regular Ray came missing his trap. Just figured I would check.