Ghostbusters Minimates

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 10 months ago

yah know, I was trying to come up with a new wishlist as 99% of what I wanted to see in MiniMate form is coming true, and I'm pretty content with what's coming out actually.

A few would be

Plain Clothes Winston (GB1)
Janine (GB1)
Louis before being possessed (not all frazzled)
Nanny Janosz with a Baby Carriage
Ray & Winston with Slime Throwers
maybe GB2 versions of the guys in light gray like GB2 Louis
The Rookie from the game with a modded pack

and while not necessarily a wishlist item (though I won't turn them down), I bet they'll make Energized Scoleri Bros

and of course, RGB MiniMates would give them a huge range of new minis to make that I couldn't all list here

anyone else have any ideas from the movies?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 10 months ago

Jay: For other movie figures (your list just about covers it), what about Mayor and Hardemeyer figures? (Since we're getting Peck, let's round out the human “villains”.) I know the Mayor wouldn't really be a villain, but would be good in a pack with Hardemeyer. If they wanted more varients of the guys, we could do them in construction uniforms and give Ray the Slime Scoop as his accessory. (That would also be a way to get a jar of slime since it didn't come with the Scolari Bros).

I do think RGB Minimates would completely kick butt. I think someone over on GBFans did some customs and they looked great!

by ecto-21

14 years, 10 months ago

I wanted get some input; should I go ahead and buy the Vigo/Peter and Egon/Titanic Captain sets on now or should I wait until the Scolari brothers come back in stock to buy all four sets? Are the chances better that the Scolari sets will come back in stock or that the other two will sell out first?

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 10 months ago

I wanted get some input; should I go ahead and buy the Vigo/Peter and Egon/Titanic Captain sets on now or should I wait until the Scolari brothers come back in stock to buy all four sets? Are the chances better that the Scolari sets will come back in stock or that the other two will sell out first?

I wouldn't count on those sets coming back in stock at all. They might, but they might not.

I'd order the ones you can while you can and hope the others come in stock again later. We're talking about $5 here. That's all you'll need to pay for shipping again if they come back in.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 10 months ago

Jay: For other movie figures (your list just about covers it), what about Mayor and Hardemeyer figures? (Since we're getting Peck, let's round out the human “villains”.) I know the Mayor wouldn't really be a villain, but would be good in a pack with Hardemeyer. If they wanted more varients of the guys, we could do them in construction uniforms and give Ray the Slime Scoop as his accessory. (That would also be a way to get a jar of slime since it didn't come with the Scolari Bros).

I do think RGB Minimates would completely kick butt. I think someone over on GBFans did some customs and they looked great!

I suppose Mayor and Hardemeyer would be ok…not as big a fan of them

and that is a good idea for the guys, the construction suits from GB2 (they could even do Winston since they go down later too)

a pink-slimed Ray & Janosz would be awesome too, I forgot him

And Louis's earmuffs!!!!!!!!!!!


AND Slimer with a Bus Driver's Hat and steering wheel!!!!!!

by Goesher

14 years, 10 months ago

I wanted get some input; should I go ahead and buy the Vigo/Peter and Egon/Titanic Captain sets on now or should I wait until the Scolari brothers come back in stock to buy all four sets? Are the chances better that the Scolari sets will come back in stock or that the other two will sell out first?

Yeah, Id get whatever ones they have available. By the weekend, I think all 4 will be sold out. The scoleri bros sold out in one day. (*winston)
They may get more back in later, but there are no guarantees.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 10 months ago

The Courtroom sets were briefly back in stock this morning, very briefly.

Who knows if they're just not putting the full stock online all at once or what the deal is, but I'd still recommend buying the ones that are available while you can. There's no telling when they might sell out, and like I said, its only an extra $5 to ship another order if the Courtroom sets come back in stock.

by Goesher

14 years, 10 months ago

everything except titanic set is sold out now:-(

by Kingpin

14 years, 10 months ago

For those who are interested, GBFans is having a special on some Minimate sets… the Glow in the Dark Ray & Slimer set is $3.99, the Series 1, 2, 3 and videogame sets are $11.99.

I think I'll be tempted enough to get the “labcoat” set once it comes out, but I wonder what other film-based figures they'll produce before that element of the franchise is done.

Obviously, RGB-themed ones would be a big winner with fans like me… and I'd love it if they ever did a “Citizen Ghost” set.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 10 months ago

Went home to visit my parents this weekend before leaving for vacation… The local TRU here had probably 3 or 4 sets of each. I picked up an extra set to sell off, so if you're interested PM me (but don't be surprised if I don't reply until after the 13th when I get back from vacation).