Ghostbusters Minimates

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

it looks like there is something with the GB logo on it in there, and something behind Janine… can't really make out what they are exactly

by sigep756

14 years, 9 months ago

Glad they put in extra marshmallow fluff for Peck!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 9 months ago

it looks like there is something with the GB logo on it in there, and something behind Janine… can't really make out what they are exactly

Stay Puft backdrop baby! haha I thought it might just be a booklet of their items, that they've put in the others, but (a) that's not a minimate staypuft, and (b) it's a lot bigger than those.

To be honest - I have no idea what it is, but a back drop would be cool.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

too bad a hair piece for Venkman doesn't come with it, that would be funny

by Kingpin

14 years, 9 months ago

I think it might be a small advert booklet for the other Minimates.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 9 months ago

Yeah - I saw over on GBfans where Joe found the picture used by Art Asylum of the 4 minimate guys and the Angry Stay-Puft Bank. That's what was throwing me off - I couldn't place where the picture of Stay-Puft was coming from.

Jay - Possible use the Marshmallow “hat” that's supposed to be for Peck, on Venkman? I'm not exactly sure what it's going to look like, but it might be worth a shot.

by Venkman582

14 years, 9 months ago

Is the Gooey Ray and Expolding Stay Puft offered as part of the best of series?

I wanted to get one from Amazon, but the price was up to $44.00 and I just could not bring myself to paid that price as much as I love Ghostbusters.

by therookie

14 years, 9 months ago

Midcoast Ghostbuster;160997
Is the Gooey Ray and Expolding Stay Puft offered as part of the best of series?

I wanted to get one from Amazon, but the price was up to $44.00 and I just could not bring myself to paid that price as much as I love Ghostbusters.

from what i understand no is the answer. and out of all of these minimates that has been the hardest to find, took me about 3 tru's to track that one down when it was new. check out ebay thats your best bet.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

Midcoast Ghostbuster;160997
Is the Gooey Ray and Expolding Stay Puft offered as part of the best of series?

I wanted to get one from Amazon, but the price was up to $44.00 and I just could not bring myself to paid that price as much as I love Ghostbusters.

I don't believe so

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 9 months ago

Midcoast Ghostbuster;160997
Is the Gooey Ray and Expolding Stay Puft offered as part of the best of series?

I wanted to get one from Amazon, but the price was up to $44.00 and I just could not bring myself to paid that price as much as I love Ghostbusters.

No, unfortunately it isn't. Its an extremely popular set as well, and very hard to find for a “good price”.

The Best Of wave is:
- Louis and Slimer
- Slimed Peter and Slimer
- Ray and Happy Stay Puft
- Egon and Library Ghost

The Gooey Ray set was only in TRU Wave 1, which was, arguably, the hardest wave to find, due to the fact that the sets were new. As far as I know, these are no longer in production, as they moved on to new waves.