Ghostbusters Minimates

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 8 months ago

are you saying you have the Janine, Peck, etc set NOW? or still on order?

on another note, back in September, posted a “Most Requested Figures: Ghostbusters MiniMates” article, stating what they would like to see in GBMM form:

if you take a look, all but the Tub full of slime will be full-filled by Summer's end (or whenever Set 4 with regular Dana will be released).

So my question is: JUST FROM THE MOVIES, is there anything else people would like to see in minimate form besides what we all ready know is coming out?

*note* keep in mind, the blue coat commercial/casual clothes GBs are coming out with regular Dana whenever that set comes out

by Dreamstalker

14 years, 8 months ago

Animated park bench
Slimeblower Winston
Terror Dog in statue form
Judge Wexler

Interesting that mayor/Janosz would have the highest demand, I would have thought the opposite. Could those be the shortpacked sets (hence they don't get as many to begin with)?

by Venkman582

14 years, 8 months ago

Count me in too, for some RGB mini mates if Diamond Selcet decides to make them.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 8 months ago

You know what I would like to see:

a Ray Parker Jr minimate

that would be epic!

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 8 months ago

ArtAsylum has TRUs Wave 4 Packaging up for viewing pleasure

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

Nice looking boxart… Interesting that they don't call him “Mayor Lenny”… Just “New York City Mayor”.

Anyone else notice that the packaging picture of Ghostbusters 2 Peter, on the side of the package, with the shot of Peter, his name tag says “Spengler”.

I'm sure its a mistake, but I wonder if that will make it onto the final packaging.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 8 months ago

I think it's neat that Janosz has a Happy New Year hat… that makes me smile

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

I think it's neat that Janosz has a Happy New Year hat… that makes me smile

Ditto, it's the little touches that've made this range so awesome.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 8 months ago

Ditto, it's the little touches that've made this range so awesome.

just in “little touches” we've got

detachable proton streams
MT-500 Radios
LifeGaurd II (thought just recolored MT-500s)
Closed Traps that clip on ray's Belt
Open Traps that go with a trap energy beam
PKE Meters
Giga Meters
Pink Slime in Test Tubes

and of course

Ira, the hairless cat.

not to mention Dana, Vigo, the Scoleri Bros, and now Janosz & the mayor in their 1st appearance in plastic

oh and Slime Blowers coming soon too

by Goesher

14 years, 7 months ago

Ok, I am gonna cry….I missed the damn preorder! I thought they were not due until the fall:-(:-O:-(:-O(*flame)(*flame)(*flame)(*flame)
What the hell??
And I have to wait in suspense for a month to see if I can get them in the store???
Guys, please, if you see them, get extras for me, and Ill pay the shipping etc..
I am so upset right now you have no idea.
and… the statue of liberty was on my wishlist, and they made her??(;_(;_

Did they put an exact release date? I have to start planning my trips to to TRU so I can get these bad boys.
This totally took me by surprise.