Ghostbusters Minimates

by DkiDClue

14 years, 4 months ago

GB Sales;164426
I too am looking to purchse the best of #2 set, along with the exploding stay puft bank but cant find these anywhere. if anyone has a link on ebay or a site that has them in stock, that would be great!

there not out yet , expect september

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 4 months ago

Just got off the phone with my local TRU. The “Best of - wave 2” is out now! They got a box in today. He said it actually does say “series 2” on the box - so it sounds like there was a slight packaging change. I plan to go after work.

by Goesher

14 years, 4 months ago

Just got off the phone with my local TRU. The “Best of - wave 2” is out now! They got a box in today. He said it actually does say “series 2” on the box - so it sounds like there was a slight packaging change. I plan to go after work.

Hey how did it turn out? Did you get them? My local TRU only had the Universal Monsters Minimates out. Kinda cool. I picked up a couple of sets as a fan of the classic monsters. Stilll waiting on this new best of wave. I am curious to see if they did do a packaging change. Let us know when you guys see them. I am in the northeast so I imagine I will be seeing them later than you western usa guys.(*winston)

by DkiDClue

14 years, 4 months ago

ill be going to tru to check tomorrow , if there in stock ill be of course snatching multiples to sell to board members for retail + shipping

by DkiDClue

14 years, 4 months ago


i got exploding stay puft bank!

and best of 2 is in stock , grabbed 2 of each!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 4 months ago

Sorry for the delay in posting - it was a busy weekend. They have indeed changed the packaging for the “best of - wave 2” It looks just like the original pictures they showed - the regular GB logo on the box instead of the minimates version, and it does actually say “best of” and “wave 2” on the box. So though I did originally say the first pics looked photoshopped - I was wrong. So far it does not appear that they have changed the figures at all (unlike the last “best of” wave) so I only bought 1 set to keep in the box. Another thing to mention is that I did not see a price increase on these figures. I know someone mentioned they saw that the price had been increased somewhere - but at my local store, they were still 6.99 for each 2-pack. More for those store shopping - it appears that there are actually 3 full sets of all 4 different packs in a box that TRU receives. (In that last couple of waves, there were only 2 full sets, then the rest were only of certain duplicate packs - making some of the packs harder to find - Scoleri Brother packs, I'm looking in your direction.)

Also, as DkiD mentioned - the exploding stay puft bank is also out! That was a complete surprise and I made sure to pick one up with my minimates.

by ecto-21

14 years, 3 months ago

For anyone who is interested, the Best of Series 2 are up on

by TimWithNumbers

14 years, 3 months ago

I think I finally completed my GB Minimates Collection to a point where I'm happy. I wasn't so concerned with getting all the assorted ghosts, so much as I was specific key characters. I finally have:

- Ray, Peter, Egon, and Winston in their GB1 outfits
- Louis Tully as a Ghostbuster
- Slimer
- Mr. Stay Puft
- Gozer
- Vigo
- The Grey Lady
- Washington Square Ghost (this one always creeped me out as a kid and I had to have it)
- Janosh Poha

I think the only others I'd like to pick up, in order to have a complete set of the core team and the key opponents they've faced, are the Scoleri brothers, and the Video Game pack, which is actually on the cheap by me for about $10.

by Ectoman57

14 years, 3 months ago

im happy with my minimate collection, I was able to get at least one of each except for the ready to belive you pack, im gonna have to call in that as a xmas gift along with the non slimed peter 6" figure

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 2 months ago

according to DSTChuck's Twitter:
“Worked on finishing the RGB MM line plan for next year. I think its
our most complete tightest line plan to date.”


besides the 4 guys, slimer, and Janine (secretary/buster) who do you want to see in RGB MiniMate form?
I'm hoping for
Sam Hain
Anti-Busters (Citizen Ghost)
Robo-Buster would be neat
Buster the No-Ghost (from the intro doin his little dance/strut down main st)