Ghostbusters Minimates You Want to See

by ghostbusterman2

15 years, 8 months ago

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

Scoleri Bros
Bus Driver Slimer
Ghostbuster Louis
Janine GB1 & GB2

by BradRedfield

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, one can assume that there'll be a GBII uniform Egon to go along with the others, so I won't add him to the list…

Janine (I prefer her GBII look, it's more suitable for the minimate style.)
Scoleri Brothers (You could do them as pack-ins with a potential second series of 2-packs)
GBs in their kahki GBII uniforms: Ray and Winston would most definitely need to come with their Slime Throwers.
Vigo (With two sides of his head: His normal face on the front and his demonic face on the back. The hairpiece would cover the unused face perfectly.)

These are the central ones I want at the moment.

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 8 months ago

i think Real Ghostbusters ones would look better since these things arent really life like.

by ghostbusterman2

13 years, 11 months ago

O.K., now that they are making figures based on the Real Ghostbusters Cartoon series, what RGB Minimates would you like to see be made into real Minimates figures?

Now me, I would like to see a 4 figure set made based on the Spectral Ghostbusters (also known as the Anti-Ghostbusters & Doppelgänger Ghostbusters) from the episode “Citizen Ghost”, and a 3 figure set based on The Peoplebusters from the episode “Flip Side”.

by DocFritz

13 years, 11 months ago

It amuses me greatly that there's two versions of Janine and Louis, but not the actual Ghostbusters. A natural expansion would be the four guys in their cartoon civilian attire:

Venkman in his white sweater.
Winston in his black and white polo shirt
Ray in his green sweater vest
Egon in his suspenders and pink shirt

I'd love Janine in the blue version of the “office attire” outfit, and her Now Comics flight suit (Egon's blue/grey with orange trim) but I doubt it would happen.

Some GB relatives:
Charlie Venkman
Cyrus Spengler and/or his sister in law
Lois Stantz
Big Ed Zeddemore
(Probably wouldn't happen, except maybe Charlie)

Ghosts and other things:
The Master of Shadows (from “Slimer, Is That You?”)
The Umpire from “Night Game”
The Headless Motorcyclist
Hobanagarik (“Cold Cash and Hot Water”)
(I could easily name more, but I tried to pick the most visually memorable from better episodes)

And if I really really could have my way, Nathaniel Blaque and Astorath from the Now Comics run, but that won't happen. Oh, and Dr. Bassingame, maybe packed with Charlie and Hob as a set :-)

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 11 months ago

Since they're actually making RGB mates now I'll have to update my list

The Ghostbusters in Civilian Attire of course
Anti-Ghostbusters 4-pack (Citizen Ghost)
PeopleBusters with ghostly Janine 4-pack (Flip Side)
Watt & her parakeet (Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood)
Peter possessed by Watt
Jeremy (human and demon faces) & DiTillio (Ragnarock & Roll)
The Headless MotorCyclist
Egon as a Were-Chicken
Demon Egon (Egon on the Rampage)

there are many more, but these are the top of my list

by Venkman582

13 years, 11 months ago

Great choices all around, here is my list of minimates I would like to see.

Anti Ghostbusters from Citizen Ghost

People Busters and Ghostly Janine

Watt and Demon parakeet

Master of Shadows

Murray the Mantis


Scary version of Victor

Captain Jack Higgins and ghostly pirates from Sea Fright

Ghosts R Us ghosts

Mr. Ugly aka Poltergeist master ghost from Slimer come home

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 11 months ago

Great choices guys, and I wouldn't mind seeing any of those listed. (Anti-busters and PeopleBusters top my list). I tried to think of a couple that haven't yet been mentioned that I would like to see:

The Grundel
The Phantom (From Sticky Business)
The Phantom of the Opera (from Fright at the Opera - doubtful they would do it, but I think it would be a really fun figure.)
Boogaloo (from the prime time Halloween Special).

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

Clark Ashton
The Trio (from Ghosts ‘R’ Us)
General Holloway (from Masquerade)
Samhain's two goblins
The “quiet” ghost (possessing the Megazoid).
Morgannon (from Chicken, he Clucked)
Shanna O' Callahan
Simon Queg
The thing in Mrs. Faversham's Attic (purple eye cloud, possesed coat rack and teapot and rake monster)
The bird of Kildarby
The priest from Apocalypse—What, Now?
The ghost from Lost and Foundry
The Bog Hound
The mutated Earth Spirit that posessed Ecto-1
The ghostly Earp Brothers and Doc Holiday
The ghost of Charles Foster Hearse.
The Great Calimari
Houdini's Ghost
Marduk, the Babylonian God of the city
Phillip Spade (a safe bet, really)
Dib Devlin and Marsha (in their true forms)
Captain Steel and Doctor Destructo
The lord of the land of lost objects
Doctor Catheter
Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and Moriarty
The winged puma

Others I'd love to see, but not sure how they'd be able to render them:

The Doomsday Door
One or more possessed Subway trains.

I know that's a pretty extensive list… but that's the problem with The Real Ghostbusters, it presented such an extensive and varied catelogue of characters and they weren't all monsters or ghosts.