Ghostbusters: Monthly

by Brendan_M

13 years, 4 months ago

It's 1994 bitches!

by heslimedme251

13 years, 4 months ago

Just got finished reading #2 after having ordered them on ebay at the weekend and read both this week.

I'm really enjoying this, looking forward to a long future for the comic. I've not bothered with Infestation or any of the “one off's”, but the monthly peaked my interest and it has not disappointed. I'm enjoying looking for all the little references, and love the fact that it has the concept art included.

Anyone else think Ellen Gold is terrifying though? Maybe it's a deep seated fear of teachers. Hah.

EDIT: Must thank Kingpin for suggesting ebay. For some reason I hadn't thought of that when I couldn't get my local store to stock them. Thanks, Ben!

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

Thanks to a collection of animation cels and production art at a stall at MCM Expo that I saw today, I've finally identified this visual reference that stumped me:

The tank device near the bookcase is familiar, but I can't peg where from.

It's a device Egon constructed in the Treasure of Sierra Tamale, a combined Proton Pack and Trap (awful, I know)

by Kingpin

13 years, 4 months ago

This isn't a new varient cover due out, I just thought Dan's varient of the cover art for issue #1 was so badass it needed to be posted:

Full size viewable on his deviantArt account.

by robbritton

13 years, 3 months ago

In as vague a way as possible, as I still can't work spoiler tags, the Queens bust ghost in issue two is a REALLY good concept. that's as close to the first movie as I've seen in anything subsequent. Really creepy offset to Venkman's snark.

Wonderful stuff again, this is great!

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 3 months ago

Issue 3 is out and holy moly is it damn good!!!!!

put the word spoiler in at the beginning of your spoiler and /spoiler in the at the end

that looks like an EGB proton pack on Winston in the last couple panels

by robbritton

13 years, 3 months ago

Issue 3 is out and holy moly is it damn good!!!!!

put the word spoiler in at the beginning of your spoiler and /spoiler in the at the end

thanks man!

by robbritton

13 years, 3 months ago

I'm a little confused by the continuity of these with regard to TVG.

If the series is set after the game, as the appearance of PCOC would suggest, how come the Ecto-1B is back to being Ecto-1A and how come Slimer's containment case isn't pre-existing and Slimer himself isn't well known about by Winston?

It's nothing that detracts from the story, for me, but I wondered if there was a clear and definitive answer to those things.

by DocFritz

13 years, 3 months ago

I'm a little confused by the continuity of these with regard to TVG.

If the series is set after the game, as the appearance of PCOC would suggest, how come the Ecto-1B is back to being Ecto-1A and how come Slimer's containment case isn't pre-existing and Slimer himself isn't well known about by Winston?

It's nothing that detracts from the story, for me, but I wondered if there was a clear and definitive answer to those things.

They've stated on the IDW message board and a few other places that they're pretty much picking and choosing which parts of the Video Game to use in their continuity.

That's why, for example, you have Peck and PCOC but Slimer didn't start the series in his fishtank, Winston isn't a PhD, an earlier version of the ECTO-1, ect

Basically, assume the broad outlines of the game still happened, but specific details could be in doubt unless they're directly referenced.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 3 months ago

they do mention the rookie and the experimental pack with the boson dart capabilities, and what happened to it