Ghostbusters Movie Pictures

by batman2

15 years ago

I remember checking the Movie Market website a while back and I think they only had 1 picture from Ghostbusters, looks like with all the new interest again they have stocked up and have loads of pictures for sale in different sizes.

Just bagged myself some publicity shots from Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters 2.

Movie Market Website.

I would also recommend clicking on the character names in the top left on the site as they seem to bring up other pictures not in the main selection.

by DkiDClue

15 years ago

nice! does anyone else think dan aged quite a bit from the first to the second movie? I feel like hes a damn boy in the first and a grown man in the second. I dunno!

by batman2

14 years, 11 months ago

Finally arrived today, took about just under 2 weeks, and came from the USA.
I was sure they also had a UK base and shipped from here, was starting to get worried. Anyway they were nicely packaged in a well padded envelope and are in immaculate condition considering they were shipped all the way from the USA.