Ghostbusters Mx online!

by ghostbusters2131

14 years ago

Here´s the first and only spanish source for ghostheads on Mexico and latinamerica.

It will have my own reports but I´m asking permission to differents sites for using Spanish-translated repostings of their current news (check out your emails people, Paul Rudoff from Spook Central told me he found my message on the spam folder).

See ya there, amigos!!

by shaunryan825

14 years ago

Here´s the first and only spanish source for ghostheads on Mexico and latinamerica.

It will have my own reports but I´m asking permission to differents sites for using Spanish-translated repostings of their current news (check out your emails people, Paul Rudoff from Spook Central told me he found my message on the spam folder).

See ya there, amigos!!
i cant even read mexican i tried going there too and couldnt read a thing

by ghostbusters2131

14 years ago

I clearly said that this is a “spanish source”… and is SPANISH language, not mexican.
Thanks for passing by.

by shinefra

13 years, 11 months ago

Hola compatriota!!

Apenas acabo de saber de tu pagina y me preguntaba si piensas agregarle foros?

by ghost_buster_x

13 years, 11 months ago

couldn't understand too much of it but i think it looks good.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 11 months ago

Hola compatriota!!

Apenas acabo de saber de tu pagina y me preguntaba si piensas agregarle foros?

Fotos acerca de que? cada nota que publico la hago acompañar de una foto. Tengo más planes para el blog… te mandaré PM.

He asked me about posting more pics, I asked what kind of pics he´s talking about. Sorry for the foreign language posting. smile

couldn't understand too much of it but i think it looks good.
Thanks my friend, the project is growing on slow speed, but I have great projects to it.

by shinefra

13 years, 11 months ago

Fotos acerca de que? cada nota que publico la hago acompañar de una foto. Tengo más planes para el blog… te mandaré PM.

He asked me about posting more pics, I asked what kind of pics he´s talking about. Sorry for the foreign language posting. smile

Thanks my friend, the project is growing on slow speed, but I have great projects to it.

Saludos, no me referia a Fotos sino Foros (mas bien foro como este)
Espero que te vaya bien en tu pagina ya que no hay muchas de ese tipo en habla hispana, comprendo muy bien el ingles pero no hay nada como platicar con gente de tu país.

Yo tambien soy fan de los GB desde muy pequeño y si puedo ayudarte en algo solo dimelo.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 11 months ago

Ah, foros, jajajaja leí mal… te mando PM con más info.

by shinefra

13 years, 11 months ago

Oops sorry about the Spanish stuff my bad.

by ghost_buster_x

13 years, 11 months ago

your welcome gb213