Ghostbusters: Nightsquad is Back!

by VincentBelmont

22 years ago

I'd imagine because Chad was asked if we could make this post sticky for the purposes of advertisement.

Once we get some more people flowing through the site, this thread would probably be returned to normal.

by SavannahGB

22 years ago

well, it seems like if its just for advertisement, this could set a bad example. After all, with all of the members & their own sites and all, then they could ask for their sites to be stickies so they could get some advertisement as well. Maybe we ought to have a seperate board for site ads…

although, i am curious though, if other sites dont get to be stickies, why is NS so special they can be one?

by VincentBelmont

22 years ago

I dunno…I'm not the one who made this thing sticky…

by BoHolbrook

22 years ago

I asked Chad if we could make this sticky to help promote our website and message board a bit more. He agreed, It's that simple.

by GBFreak

22 years ago

So what if Rouge Squad or NOMA want to have a thread of theirs made sticky, are they able to do so?

by Texasgb

22 years ago

Brendan, this type of personal message is best not handeled on the boards. You can reach chad via email or im if you have questions about what constitutes a sticky post. Hope this was helpful

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

yeah guys if chad wants to make this a sticky then thats the way its going to be its his site. plus whats wrong with giving the nightsquad a little promo?

by PeterKong

22 years ago

I don't see anything wrong with advertising

by Ghost-Bestler

22 years ago

Do it on your own topic, buddy.

by SavannahGB

22 years ago

i still think it was a valid question considering that its on topic (since it went that way)

besides what harm would it do to just answer it? instead of having 3 posts tell him to ask somewhere else…kinda like a kick to the head.