*I just love how this comes up as a topic like at least twice a year…
*They all had their own charm…I guess you had to have grown up in the ‘80’s to appreciate them fully…Not saying everyone here wasn't born then, or didn't grow up then…And yes the “NES” version of GB1 is almost universally touted as a HORRIBLE game …
*However, I still LOVE the SMS version of the David Crane GB engine…Those were GREAT graphics for 1987…So much so, that the 8 year-old version of myself was looking at that very version in the Sears Wishbook, and wondering why I hadn't got that version, instead of the NES one…Not to mention, that it had the BEST gameplay out of ALL the ports of said game…The only thing wrong about it is some of the spelling …
*The NES “NEW GBII”, and the Gameboy GBII were classic and engaging games for the 8-Bit era…Even the US NES GBII was at least fun, even though it lacked good gameplay and/or graphics, as did the Atari ST/Amiga GBII, even though it only had 3 short levels, and was hard as hell…The only one I could never wrap my head around out of the GBII games was the IBM PC version - In short - Confusing…
*The RGB arcade game, even though the art adorning the cabinet was inaccurate, the characters indistinguishable other than the color of their flightsuits, and the semi-repetitive levels, was again, at least fun, with good graphics…
*And the Genesis version is also a down-right CLASSIC GB game…Fun, entertaining, GREAT graphics, with an engaging story …It's only detractors are the fact that Winston is inexplicably absent, they could've come up with a less lame backstory for Stay Puft , and the tired “having to buy your own equipment” mechanic…Otherwise it's one of the BEST games of the 16-Bit era…
*The only game that I can consider outright CRAP, is the RGB Gameboy conversion of the prior “Garfield” and even “Micky Mouse” Gameboy games, that all shared the same graphics , and same basic plot…
*It seems to be a trend with current gamers, weither or not they were present during the 8-Bit, or 16-Bit eras respectively, to trash games from said era, on the basis that “they're so ugly compared to current-gen games and graphics”…I'm sorry - Comparing games from that era, to games today is outright unfair…The technology is LIGHTYEARS more sophisticated then games back then, and as a result - The stories in these games are as well…
*However, ALOT of these newer games lack what those older “inferior” games had - THE FUN FACTOR…If a game like Contra can engage me for HOURS, with it's simple plot and 8-Bit graphics, as where a game like “Silent Hill 3” or “Halo” can bore me to TEARS, then that's saying alot…
*And I'm sorry - Some of the current-gen graphics, while “lightyears” ahead of the 8/16/34/64 bit games, are uglier, and more bland than anything I had ever seen from previous eras IMHO…
*Yes - The new the GB game will put the previous games to complete shame…However it won't make any of the older games any less classic or fun…