GHOSTBUSTERS on ps3 or xbox?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 7 months ago

It's called a joke jag off get a sense of humor

Eh, just ignore him, anyways, yeah, I wouldn't be to surprised if the PS3 does get exclusive content. To me though, its weither or not people you know are getting the same version. Would make no sense to buy the PS3 one if everyone you know has a 360 version and vice versa.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 7 months ago

This forum has too many favorites

and i cant read sense of humor in a F*ckin post OMG…genius

I swear, Jonathan is ***….

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 7 months ago

This forum has too many favorites

Not really.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 7 months ago

Sure it does….been here a month and ive noticed it already….

I speak too strongly and this forum jumps all over me….but whateva

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 7 months ago

Sure it does….been here a month and ive noticed it already….

I speak too strongly and this forum jumps all over me….but whateva

Thats cause you're being a bunghole, so yeah, I can see why.

by Yehome

15 years, 7 months ago

I'll probably get it on both consoles since the Xbox version is delayed (in Europe).
And on the side, PS2, Wii and DS versions.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 7 months ago

I can;t afford the PS3, so I am sticking with the xbox.

Besides, all my friends are on XBL anyway.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

The Joker will be playable on Batman on PS3…….for one level :-)
Not too big of a loss, its probably like the bonus levels in the lego batman, where its pretty much pointless. I also think its only if you preorder…..not too sure.

I will get it on 360 cause its the only system I have that it comes out for(although I N64 version would be sweet)

I for one see no favorites being played here………but you do sound kind of whiney.(*winston)

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

360 and Wii versions for me. I have all three, but as I've said before, I just prefer the Xbox controller. If the PS3 gets exclusive content down the road, I might switch up.

I was kinda hoping that Sony would showcase it at their presser, especially when I saw those little glimpses of footage in the opening montage.

by robbritton

15 years, 7 months ago

I have both now, so I guess I'll get both. Good old long term console loans from dear friends!