Easy to say, that it took Comedy to a more broader scale by adding action and special effects, but its that 50/50 risk of uniqueness and originality which makes it so appealing.
the only two comedies, that followed this formula were Men in Black and Back to the Future (atleast the only 2 that come to mind) and those were great movies. if it was over-rated and done to death, we would of had dozens and dozens of Ghostbusters clones.
I dont think GB is overrated anyway, over publicized maybe, but not over rated, most people dont really praise it for what it really is. they mostly just like the remember the theme song and stay puft.
Tommy Boy's underrated, i'll agree. but Anchorman? Anchorman was crap, it had maybe 2 or 3 good lines.
And Trading Places is over-rated? i mean im not defending it, but ive never heard it being over praised and over rated. Does the average movie-goer even remember this movie? it was a hit back in the 80s and faded away.
Man, i really want Siskel and Ebert back, atleast they knew what they were talking about…but thats not gonna happen.