Ghostbusters film?

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 9 months ago

Again guys, the suits and packs they have now are stand ins and they have NEW stuff coming in the way of new suits, gloves, boots, and new proton packs. So give them a chance now. They are actually out there and doing it. Plus you need to READ the capture on the pics, it said on on the ecto ones it was bare and ONLY had the logo on it! Just read their site more and all the confusion could be cleared up! :p

by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

Crossing the Streams
what does the OZ stand for? i dont understand



Australasia, mate! (sorry fusion)

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 9 months ago


thats kinda clever…


by ghostbusters3007

17 years, 9 months ago

imgane freddy wearing a uncle sam suit he saying i want you TO DIE

by heslimedme251

17 years, 9 months ago

isn't the ghost meant to look like it's surfing? or maybe not…nah must be crazy!

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 9 months ago

isn't the ghost meant to look like it's surfing? or maybe not…nah must be crazy!
Reminds me of this logo from GB:TNG…

wish I could find a bigger/more clear copy…it would make an awesome t-shirt…

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

The suits look cheap as hell and I could've sworn they used the tubes from a vaccum to make the proton packs which have no lights. Not to mention one of those guys looks like Bill Nye the science guy. And the names suck too. The bald guy looks like he's been stuck in his basement a lil too long. And the logo is flat out terrible, why does the ghost have 4 fingers sticking out.

But who knows, movie magic can make any crap look decent.

Feel free to outline some constructive criticism any time, Sayingkingkilla.

Firstly, I'm having to work with the only pictures of the uniforms I can see which are the ones seen in the website banner… now the images not working in the gallery is a reasonable point… I'd recommend something like Image Shack for free image hosting. Thankfully there's a flickR account for a closer look. The suits aren't all that bad, the elbow pads and nametags aren't the same style from the films… but neither is the suit. The lack of a pistol belt and combat boots also changes it but they hardly look cheap… they feel like they're missing something but they can work… I have seen a lot worse.

The pack hoses… in the spirit of the prop builders who made the first Proton Packs for the films, it's scrounging parts that came to hand… it's not accurate but maybe they're not going for packs that are identical to the films. The few decent shots we see of the packs look incomplete, so it's not clear yet if they don't have lights… however getting light sets that do the exact same things as the films do can either be expensive or difficult to build if you don't have the know-how.

So the guy's appearance somehow doesn't live to your approval? So what if he looks like Bill Nye, the Science Guy. That's not constructive criticism, that's being overly critical. Same goes for your comment about the ‘bald guy’.

The logo is at least original and not a retrend of the ‘three finger’ logo some people are too willing to use. Plus, that's actually three fingers and a thumb… it's as anatomically correct as the original Ghostbusters logo.

As Rich said, you could learn to be a bit less critical of this film… I'd almost be tempted to ask to see how well you could do on their budget.

Guys, I was only joking. I am never over-critical when it comes to fanfilms, and I'm always a supporter of them. I was only playing around with those comments :p

I wish those guys all the best, it takes much more than just the production budget to make a good fanfilm, that's only part of it. As long as it has some good laughs and a cool story I'll likely enjoy it.

by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

Keep in mind the sarcasm might sound witty and biting on your side of the screen. But everyone else is gonna take it at face value..


by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

It wasn't really sarcasm, more of a joke, and I didn't add an “lol” in there just to get a few responses. Kinda like with your Dickless comment.


by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

Ahaaaar, but you knew it was sarcasm, yes?

I'd try to avoid saying things just for a reaction..That kinda classes as trolling..And trolls are bad, hmm-kay?

Even the use of Italics can be just the tip off you need for sarcasm