Ghostbusters Parody

by Ghostbuster_D

23 years ago

Hey everyone! I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool (and funny) if some movie company did a total Ghostbusters parody sort of like MGM's Star Wars parody, Spaceballs? I think that would be so awesome! What do you guy's think? smile

by Ghostbuster_D

23 years ago

C'mon people, this can't be that bad of an idea! Please! Respond!

by Mario

23 years ago

I want to see a parody. I have enjoyed parodies of everything I like.

by Jay_Tigran

23 years ago

well, cartoons do it all the time, but yes, a full-feature film parody of GB would be awesome

by NetSolo

23 years ago

A parody of a film that's already a comedy? Somehow I see it ending badly. smile

by Ectodude

23 years ago

when you think about it long and hard enough, GB isnt really that funny. (no offence, its just an opinion.)

come on, good ol Mel Brooks might pull it off! come on! he did it to westerns (Blazing Saddles) Sci-Fi films (Spaceballs) Universal classics (Young Frankenstein) and History films (Hiistory of the World part 1). without doubt, the man might be able to do it with Ghostbusters/general paranormal.

its a good idea. it might start a chain reaction for GB3 (just an idea, but dont knock it)

by zachjb

23 years ago

Ectodude. Are you serious when you say Ghostbusters really isn't that funny? If so, could you explain your case?

by Ectodude

23 years ago

it just must be becuase ive seen it a million times before. i just might be immune to it.

by zachjb

23 years ago

That's what I feel like sometimes, but I can't help but laugh at all of the great lines and the situations they get themselves into! It's nuts! I am true fan all of the way.

Not to say that you aren't or anything.

by Jay_Tigran

23 years ago

Ectodude, you gotta admit, the line:
“Listen… you smell something?”

I still get a kick out of that as well as the rest of the movie…