Ghostbusters Parody

by NetSolo

23 years ago

GB isn't really that funny?

I claim shinanagans. . . get the broom.

by Ghostbuster_D

23 years ago

I agree, Ghostbusters isn't all that funny. I mean, it is, but it's really a serious plot, that contains a lot of comedy. Sometimes i think it's only classified as a comedy because it stars Dan Ayckroyd and Bill Murray. Anyway, the parody idea i'm thinking of is gag after gag comedy that parodies both movies.

E-mail me, people, if you want to hear some of my ideas, their pretty good.

Oh, and to netsolo, I feel honored to have a reply from a living legend like you on my post, but re-think how much of a comedy Ghostbusters really is. (like he's really gonna come back to this topic again) smile

by Ectodude

23 years ago

well, if it is to be done, i dont want it to turn out like one of those cheesy National Lampoons movies, like Loaded Weapon, or 2001: A Space Travisty. (those movies are just so… stupid!)

by wingsnut25

23 years ago

I think Ghostbusters is vary humourus, it is just a differnt type of humour then most of the movies being produced today. Of course it has its seriouseness too but, plenty of comedy.

by DocEggman

23 years ago

Ghostbusters IS a comedy. It's not a comedy in the vein of say, “American Pie” or “There's Something About Mary”. It's just, classic, sophiticated humor that doesn't go nuts just to get a laugh. A lot of the lines still give me a good chuckle, and that's the point. Just because a comedy doesn't bowl you over with laughter doesn't mean it's a good comedy.

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

Amen, Doc.

by zachjb

23 years ago

Yeah. Say it again Doc!

by Ghostbuster_D

23 years ago

Let me clearify what I meant concerning how funny it is.

Ghostbusters IS a comedy, but unlike most comedies, Ghostbusters' comedic content is supplied entirely by the characters' sense of humor. Most comedies are a combination of characters and story. The ghostbusters have VERY good senses of humor, but the story is serious and realistic.

People with good senses of humor make real life situations funny, therefore characters with a VERY good sense of humor would make a movie with life-like situations VERY funny. See where I'm goin' with this?

by Mario

23 years ago

Please no teen parodies!