Ghostbusters production movie sketches.

by metallico33

13 years, 9 months ago

Hi people!, it's been a while since I started a thread but I was looking on the forum and saw this shirt…

I saw those sketches on the Gbs movie pack on the booklet, but i was wondering if those sketches were around on the internet i was searching for them but nothing.

anyone have them scanned or something??

by metallico33

13 years, 9 months ago

seriously no one?

by jettajeffro

13 years, 9 months ago

I think they're also in the storyboard section on the GB1 dvds as well. Maybe someone has screencaped them from there but I don't remember seeing them anywhere.

by StaypuftX

13 years, 8 months ago

Yeah they're on the DVD of the first movie, but the production sketches/concept art are hard to come by on the internet. They're pretty cool though, showing some weird and interesting ghost concepts that never made it.

by duelistjt

13 years, 8 months ago

Sweet, I want it!