Ghostbusters Proton Pack Replica For Sale

by elton

14 years, 8 months ago

Same here!!
I contacted venkman about this and have completed a transaction with him.

Can I just confirm the both of you have not done the same thing?

by slimerboy

14 years, 8 months ago

i had a feeling he was a scammer. He offered to sell it to me for $300.00 shipped. even with the work that pack needs it's too cheap. also the same pictures were on ebay and got removed. I'm glad i backed out. The bad grammer in his post was a huge red flag

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 8 months ago

Don´t kidding me… I sent him the money one week ago… is he a scammer? did he cheated all of us???

He “sold” me the proton pack with ghost trap included on $390 US bucks… did he do the same with you guys???

by elton

14 years, 8 months ago

Don´t kidding me… I sent him the money one week ago… is he a scammer? did he cheated all of us???

He “sold” me the proton pack with ghost trap included on $390 US bucks… did he do the same with you guys???
I'm fairly sure he's a scammer, yes.

Different story for me, said his wife's in labour. This was a birthday present. A bad end to the week.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm fairly sure he's a scammer, yes.

Different story for me, said his wife's in labour. This was a birthday present. A bad end to the week.

He told me his wife was 17 weeks pregnant… sonofa#$%&

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

He told me his wife was 17 weeks pregnant… sonofa#$%&

Long story short, he has my money and I'm sure nobody's getting a proton pack.

Great. We were screwed. Ugh. Filed a formal complaint on PayPal, but I'd like to do more.

Anyone on the administration's end of the board want to assist us?

by slimerboy

14 years, 8 months ago

king pin had no info on him. He told me he was being evicted from his house and needed money.

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

The person's “name” on PayPal is Kirsty Heard, and his e-mail address is:

Call the bank through which you used Paypal and file a complaint through them, in addition to your Paypal complaint. Any information you get, good or bad, I suggest we share on this.

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

Anyone on the administration's end of the board want to assist us?

The most we can do is add him to the blacklist on this forum, and ban him… and even then, at present I have to send a message to the forum Admin as it's not currently in my power to ban him myself.

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

Edit: According to some current searches, our friend's email address indicates he's located in Redmond, WA. His IP address is, which supports this.

Paypal has given him until June 22nd to reply to the claim, and his bank account should be locked in as a result of the claim being filed.

Upon further investigation, it turns out that's not really his location at all, and the “real” IP address is Interestingly enough, when I search that IP addy, I found this forum about a Craigslist extortionist (, and toward the end of the discussion the scammer claimed to live in England, which is somewhat connected. This new IP indicates his server location is Germany.

As it turns out, the IP address is bounced from Nigeria and other scam-centric locations. He's not from Redmond, or Germany, and probably not even from England. We got hosed. Best advice is to hope Paypal can get our money back somehow, so file your claim with them, call the bank and do your best. Otherwise, that's pretty much everything we can do.

I, for one, will never be posting on this site again.

The most we can do is add him to the blacklist on this forum, and ban him… and even then, at present I have to send a message to the forum Admin as it's not currently in my power to ban him myself.

If I have to ask, then please consider this my request to do all that you are permitted to do in an effort to make this person 1/10th as uncomfortable as you must imagine your community members are.

On the payback front, I've filed a formal complaint with Paypal and Bank of America. BoA has credited me my damages (about $290) as they begin their investigation. I'm in the process of contacting the Better Business Bureau.

In addition, I have sent a Payment Request to our mutual “friend” as well as an email reminding him that claims and legal action are currently in motion, in an effort to at least try to make things easier. I doubt we'll see any action there, but I'd recommend doing something at the very least.

Has anyone taken similar action that either reflects or adds to our attempt at a refund? I'd like to hear from others in this boat, or anyone who may have been wronged like this, so we can do everything possible. I've also contacted my lawyer and an international crimes specialist to guide me through this difficult process.