Ghostbusters Proton Pack Replica For Sale

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

Uncertain, I'm being contacted by the fraud squad tomorrow before 2pm UK time. Since we have his name, address, phone numbers, private messages verifying the transaction, emails from him… all of which can be verified by matching with the PayPal receipt addressed to, and the phone number on one of the listings with his Starscream Entertainment mobile number… we'll see what happens.

I'm also investigating the possibility of a court case, since I live in Scotland, and he is in England. I'm soliciting advice from a lawyer friend of mine just now.

The only advice I can offer is the blindingly obvious: Keep all of your messages and receipts with timestamps and so on.

I discussed the matter with my lawyer who hemmed and hawed about how it was a dicey situation since it's international, etc. So let me just say thank you for pursuing the matter so thoroughly.

I have a text file chronicling all messages from him with timestamps, etc. It all took place using PM on here.

You're Batman.

by elton

14 years, 8 months ago

I discussed the matter with my lawyer who hemmed and hawed about how it was a dicey situation since it's international, etc. So let me just say thank you for pursuing the matter so thoroughly.

I have a text file chronicling all messages from him with timestamps, etc. It all took place using PM on here.

You're Batman.
Another match on the landline phone number:

Entries in the classifieds that further confirm the home address.

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

If only all cases of prop fraud were seemingly this easy to dig into.

He'll eventually be getting his own entry on the Blacklist, as well as a permanent ban from this forum.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 8 months ago

My dear Dave, er, I mean, Elton, you´re doing such a great job, I´ll owe you a big one on this when the hell is over… I keep all the mails and PMs from him, and if you need anything, just ask… I haven´t went to the police here in Mexico cause this case will never be supported by mexican laws (I f$%& hate his country and its laws), because it was an international fraud… it´s all up on to you dude… I hope we could get this guy with the info I sent you last days, Sal´s info and your detective-like research, and get our money back and this guy on jail.

And Kingpin and other members of this forum, thanks for the support.

by elton

14 years, 8 months ago

My dear Dave, er, I mean, Elton, you´re doing such a great job, I´ll owe you a big one on this when the hell is over… I keep all the mails and PMs from him, and if you need anything, just ask… I haven´t went to the police here in Mexico cause this case will never be supported by mexican laws (I f$%& hate his country and its laws), because it was an international fraud… it´s all up on to you dude… I hope we could get this guy with the info I sent you last days, Sal´s info and your detective-like research, and get our money back and this guy on jail.

And Kingpin and other members of this forum, thanks for the support.
The individual has informed me that he's set up a payment back into my account for the amount of money I originally paid him. I'm waiting to see if/when it appears and clears.

I suspect he's read this thread and been spooked. Has anyone else had payments refunded? The Fraud Squad did contact me today, although not at the time I requested, which meant I was at work… they said they'd contact me tomorrow. If anyone else has NOT had a refund, inform me and I'll let the police continue their investigation.

The email reads that he has now “sold the pack”, and doesn't want “abuse hurled”.

The obvious fact is that the pack was originally claimed to have been posted, but has now magically done a U turn mid-transit after being picked up by UPS and been sold to someone else. That certainly sounds like the final nail in this particular coffin.

I suspect the original real proton pack that some of the text and pictures were lifted from is here:

It's dated 2006, took years to complete, and costs £2,500.

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

The individual has informed me that he's set up a payment back into my account for the amount of money I originally paid him. I'm waiting to see if/when it appears and clears.

I suspect he's read this thread and been spooked. Has anyone else had payments refunded? The Fraud Squad did contact me today, although not at the time I requested, which meant I was at work… they said they'd contact me tomorrow. If anyone else has NOT had a refund, inform me and I'll let the police continue their investigation.

The email reads that he has now “sold the pack”, and doesn't want “abuse hurled”.

The obvious fact is that the pack was originally claimed to have been posted, but has now magically done a U turn mid-transit after being picked up by UPS and been sold to someone else. That certainly sounds like the final nail in this particular coffin.

I suspect the original real proton pack that some of the text and pictures were lifted from is here:

It's dated 2006, took years to complete, and costs £2,500.

No payments received over here. Still waiting on that. Paypal “sent an inquiry e-mail” to his address and are awaiting a reply, according to the claim I filed.

Let us know if/when you officially receive your full amount. Congrats shall be in order!

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 8 months ago

Great news… I hope this guys regret his fault and send us back the money.

Just checked my paypal account at this moment, and I haven´t received any money refund.

If any of you have any news, keep them coming. Thanks Elton.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 8 months ago

No news today… any of you guys?

by sal

14 years, 8 months ago

No news today… any of you guys?

Nope. Nothing here.

by elton

14 years, 8 months ago

Nope. Nothing here.
Fraud Squad contacted me today, and asked if I can attend my police station over the coming days to give them information relating to the case.

The first chance I'll likely have to visit will be Friday, so… if there's been no movement by then, I'll visit. My own payment apparently has a clearance of 7-10 business days. We'll see what happens.