Ghostbusters: Rebirth

by SamG

17 years, 9 months ago

yep! full motion. i just have to reposition the starting/ending points of the lens flares and the actually stream frame by frame. the rest is dont automatic. im using after effects.

After effects is realy great isnt it.
Its how we'r doing ours.
Good luck on this!

by justinmarkus

17 years, 9 months ago

yeah it is! thanks and good luck to you too!

by SamG

17 years, 9 months ago

Thanks! (and returning luck again,…) good luck to you aswell

When can you get some shots of your film up?

by justinmarkus

17 years, 9 months ago

well if everything goes according to plan (not likely) Thursday or Friday. a few special effects shots. . .Tuesday or Wednesday. i still need to finish some props. i like cutting things close. . .puts me on edge. i do my best work that way.

by justinmarkus

17 years, 9 months ago

the story of my movie is roughly based on the real ghostbusters episode “Sandman, Dream Me A Dream” one of my favorite episodes.

but in my movie instead of putting people to sleep to solve the “peace on earth” problem, the sandman (sick of not getting his “dues”) is giving sleeping people nightmares and bringing them to life so he can rule over the moral realm.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 9 months ago

I wish I had a copy of after effects. Would love to do stuff with ghostbusters and have the streams.

by SamG

17 years, 9 months ago

the story of my movie is roughly based on the real ghostbusters episode “Sandman, Dream Me A Dream” one of my favorite episodes.

but in my movie instead of putting people to sleep to solve the “peace on earth” problem, the sandman (sick of not getting his “dues”) is giving sleeping people nightmares and bringing them to life so he can rule over the moral realm.

Wicked, what if he makes a mistake and brings a good dream to life, you should add a scene in with that happening, it would be funny.

Great idea, not one of my personal faviorites, and, you say your at school? What year/age are you im 15 in year 10

by ViolentG

17 years, 9 months ago

Ha… “Weiss”… the same surname as that egotistical, self-overrated, annoying nonce from the Braxtanfilm Ghostbusters movie.

by justinmarkus

17 years, 9 months ago

im 17 and in my junior year. but i do have something like that planned for the ending.

by EarlOfChaos

17 years, 9 months ago

So the script is ready then, eh? :-)