Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by gbmasterman

18 years, 11 months ago

I thought it might be kind of cool with all the reference's that Ghostbusters has gotten over the years, to start a thread where we post all of the references that we have seen. This way we can look in one place and see how many references our beloved movie has gotten.


18 years, 11 months ago

Surprised it took this long for someone to make it.


18 years, 11 months ago

Talking about Ambien tonight on the Colbert Report, Colbert made some kind of mention to marshmallows on “The Word” and popping up right after was “Stay-Puft 3:16”.

by stayinpuft1

18 years, 11 months ago

I think my post on here was deleted so I'll repeat what I said… We don't NEED a reference sticky, references come few and far between that it WARRANTS A NEW THREAD… I mean WTF else do we have to talk about here??? The message board has different forums for a reason, we don't need to be anal and give everything a sub-sub category!

by fomeboy

18 years, 11 months ago

I saw a Simpsons episode with a Hamlet story and Homer was a ghost and when going thru walls he was leaving slime around just like Slimer lol… and at the end of the episode they were all dancing to the Ghostbusters theme song

by gbmasterman

18 years, 11 months ago

I think my post on here was deleted so I'll repeat what I said… We don't NEED a reference sticky, references come few and far between that it WARRANTS A NEW THREAD… I mean WTF else do we have to talk about here??? The message board has different forums for a reason, we don't need to be anal and give everything a sub-sub category!


18 years, 11 months ago

And I'll say again: on HQ, the reference thread is 19 pages long, so deal with it and get over yourself.

by spengs1

18 years, 11 months ago

::angry typing guy:: This isn't GBHQ and we can do things differently here. :-) :p

I kid, hopefully someone may have gotten the reference.

by Kingpin

18 years, 11 months ago



A quiz about cars and other road related trivia hosted by Neil Morrissey with team captains Top Gear host Richard Hammond and Red Dwarf star Chris Barrie (Rimmer).

Each episode features a segment where the teams have to guess the vehicle by a small portion of the vehicle (Headlamps, hubcaps etc).

One of this week's vehicles, was Ecto-1. One of the past episodes featured the Delorean from Back To The Future

Although, it was the USF Ecto-1.

And I managed to guess it based on a shot of the car's familiar double round headlights…


Just let the issue go, it's better to collect references in one place as they're easier to find. Plus, we don't have sections where cartoon references could be reported, so having a topic in General makes sense.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 11 months ago