I'm listening to XM Satellite radio and they ran a commercial for one of their channels, 152, Laugh Attack. In the commercial the Ghostbusters instrumental track begins playing and plays (maybe on a loop) throughout the commercial. The Laugh Attack narrator “introduces” Dan Aykroyd (star of such movies as Blues Brothers, Ghostbusters, and Driving Ms. Daisy!? (*_*) ) as a listener of XM. Then they play a clip of Dan confirming this. The narrator says something to the affect that Dan loves Laugh Attack. In what is probably “classic” Dan, Dan messes up the name of the channel, “trying” to get it right for a moment. The narrator guy says “close enough” and wraps up the commercial with Ghostbusters fading out.
If anybody has the special edition of Coming to America in the features they have an original interview of Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. In it, the interviewer asks Arsenio something like how he came into the project. Arsenio impersonates Eddie from a time when Eddie asked him if he wanted to be doing this Ghostbusters sh*t (self censored) always? Its not an exact quote. I thought it was funny since Eddie was considered for the part of Winston at one time. Maybe Eddie was just bitter. :p