Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 1 month ago

Ghostbusters 2 got a brief mention in a Maxim article: “Movies that Mangle the Statue of Liberty”

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

The Onion parodies a familar logo in this “old” editorial cartoon.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

My new favorite comic the horror/slasher/action series Hack/Slash mentioned the boys in grey and R.P.Jr. in a conversation between the heroine and the lady who wanted her to find out who was killing off college/sorority girls and leaving nothing but their skin behind.

by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago

SEGA's video game “Laser Ghost” VERY vaguely references Ghostbusters.

Though if ever there were a likely candidate for a Filmation video game, this is it.

by DocFritz

17 years, 1 month ago

SEGA's video game “Laser Ghost” VERY vaguely references Ghostbusters.

Though if ever there were a likely candidate for a Filmation video game, this is it.

“Laser ghost”? That's more interesting that you might have known…

That's from “Ghostbusters Meet the Laser Ghosts” I believe was the title. It was a kids book that came w/ a record of a reading of the book.

by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago

Actually, Fritz, I do have that book in my possession. Did anyone happen to upload the “Ghostbusting Machine” song? I've never heard it, and, judging by the lyrics alone, it sounds very much like a deranged Irish drinking song.

Let's hope that, in the wake of this new video game and the possible GB Renaissance, children's book publishers will take care to remember that they use “particle beam throwers” and not “lasers”.

EDIT: Which reminds me–I saw a LASER GHOST machine at Enchanted Castle in Lombard, IL. Got to play it, too–it's pretty good, if you can set the obvious Ghostbusters thing to one side. Except it was…what, 12 years ago when I saw it. I don't exactly know if it's still there…

(If it's still working, it's probably still there.)

EDIT: The “attract mode” for Laser Ghost, found on a certain tube-based website:

by Nix

17 years ago

Okay…I think I have a few more.

1. I seem to recall an Illinois politician once used Ghostbusters to make a point. Unfortunately, I can't recall his name at this exact moment. (It might have been Glenn Poshard–it was around that time, when he was running for office.)

2. Has anyone mentioned Histeria's “Trust Buster” parody, featuring Teddy Roosevelt, yet?

EDIT: Found the clip on YouTube. Soooo hilarious. Watch and laugh:

3. I remember that the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers memorably featured a baby carriage with a mind of its own. (One of the things that stuck in my mind all these years.)

by Mjollnir

17 years ago

Heh… The guys over at Devil's Due Publishing must surely like Ghostbusters to put great GB reference on this cover for Hack/Slash.

by newrecruit1

17 years ago

Ohh, looks like she killed the beast… no GB3 now for us

by Nix

17 years ago

Ohh, looks like she killed the beast… no GB3 now for us

Don't panic, New Recruit, its ghost will come back and seek revenge.