Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by StaypuftX

17 years ago

Uhh… I don't know if ANYONE'S mentioned this, and sorry if it's kind of already known, but there was an episode of the Disney 90's cartoon "Bonkers“ that was both a parody and tribute of Ghostbusters.

*is almost all entirely from memory, so bare with him, alotta details are not there*

Apparently something's haunting the Police Station that Bonkers and friends work at, (I think) so in comes classic Disney character ”Doctor Ludwig Von Drake“ to aid in this calamity, and he brings in some tools to handle this ghost, which seem to be heavily modeled on GB equipment, to an extent :p , as well as outfits to wear, but if memory serves me right… the group doesn't really succeed at the job.

Again, sorry for the vagueness, it's all from memory. :-@

I think I found the episode title ”When the Spirit Moves You"

by Mjollnir

17 years ago

Ohh, looks like she killed the beast… no GB3 now for us
Na. Probably not a supernatural creature. Most likely a homicidal maniac/slasher. Altho there are a few supernatural creatures she's faced.

by Nix

17 years ago

Uhh… I don't know if ANYONE'S mentioned this, and sorry if it's kind of already known, but there was an episode of the Disney 90's cartoon "Bonkers“ that was both a parody and tribute of Ghostbusters.

*is almost all entirely from memory, so bare with him, alotta details are not there*

Apparently something's haunting the Police Station that Bonkers and friends work at, (I think) so in comes classic Disney character ”Doctor Ludwig Von Drake“ to aid in this calamity, and he brings in some tools to handle this ghost, which seem to be heavily modeled on GB equipment, to an extent :p , as well as outfits to wear, but if memory serves me right… the group doesn't really succeed at the job.

Again, sorry for the vagueness, it's all from memory. :-@
I think I found the episode title ”When the Spirit Moves You"


'Tis funny you should mention that. I believe I missed this episode when they aired it on Toon Disney, and I only caught, like, the last 5 minutes of it (with Miranda in a GB-style flight suit). By the way, the ghosts are from the Disney cartoon short, “Lonesome Ghosts”, which no doubt had an influence on Ghostbusters.

by Mjollnir

17 years ago

I'm currently watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, on Discovery Channel. He's on a fishing ship that specializes in harvesting Slime Eels 40 miles off the shores of Maine. Since he said “Slime Eels” I was waiting for the reference to pop out. When they finally started to pull in the traps and sort the eels from the slime and mud the eels started making more slime he compared the amount of slime being produced from the eels as “It's like Aliens meets Ghostbusters.” Thats one slimy as hell job.

by StaypuftX

17 years ago

Oh geez I just remembered this. :p

There was an episode of that old 80's cartoon series, Jim Henson's Muppet Babies that was a big tribute/parody of Ghostbusters. Was about something to do with them journeying into a computer, for some reason, to defeat a computer bug (aka: a virus), thus becoming “Bug Busters.” Suits, logo, vehicle and I think even a little theme song.

The things one remembers. (*ray)

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years ago

Uhh… I don't know if ANYONE'S mentioned this, and sorry if it's kind of already known, but there was an episode of the Disney 90's cartoon "Bonkers“ that was both a parody and tribute of Ghostbusters.

*is almost all entirely from memory, so bare with him, alotta details are not there*

Apparently something's haunting the Police Station that Bonkers and friends work at, (I think) so in comes classic Disney character ”Doctor Ludwig Von Drake“ to aid in this calamity, and he brings in some tools to handle this ghost, which seem to be heavily modeled on GB equipment, to an extent :p , as well as outfits to wear, but if memory serves me right… the group doesn't really succeed at the job.

Again, sorry for the vagueness, it's all from memory. :-@
I think I found the episode title ”When the Spirit Moves You"


'Tis funny you should mention that. I believe I missed this episode when they aired it on Toon Disney, and I only caught, like, the last 5 minutes of it (with Miranda in a GB-style flight suit). By the way, the ghosts are from the Disney cartoon short, “Lonesome Ghosts”, which no doubt had an influence on Ghostbusters.

Oh man! I had “Lonesome Ghosts” on vhs when i was a kid!!

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Despite some similarities, I never honestly believed Lonesome Ghosts had that great, if any affect at all on what would become Ghostbusters.

by RobertBlues

16 years, 12 months ago

Miami Vice had a sorta gb reference in an episod i watched the other night. i cant remember the episode names, but Zito and Switk where dressed in jump suits and drove a van that had Bugbusters on the sides. and they had this huge bug on the roof that operated with a mind of it owns and Tubbs said it might be possesed.

Its kinda obscure but still a gb reference

by Nix

16 years, 12 months ago

Ahhhh, that reminds me of something.

King, did you mention the Beetleborgs at some point or another in the Miscellaneous section? If you did, I have the perfect reference for ya.

In one episode of Beetleborgs Metallix, there was a guy who arrived into town claiming to be able to get rid of Flabber (the Jay Leno lookalike). And he drove in a white car that looked not unlike a Miller Meteor (I think it had fins), towing behind him an enormous, tripod-mounted gun which looked like a Proton Pack (or the thing from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!, depending on your point of view), but functioned like a Ghost Dematerializer–of course, it only worked on ghosts. This became important when he tried to get rid of the Monster of the Week (a drawing brought to life), and the damn thing didn't work, because…the MOTW wasn't a ghost. (*egon)

The episode ended with a “who ya gonna call” joke, if I remember correctly.

EDIT: I think the episode in question is called “This Ghost is Toast.” Better still, it's on Youtube–simply type in the episode title and it's the first selection there. It's in 2 parts.

by Kingpin

16 years, 12 months ago

Yeah, I brought it up in one of those “what was that show?” topics.