Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by Mjollnir

16 years, 7 months ago

Lol. Nice. :-)

by jay_tigran1

16 years, 7 months ago

dunno if it's been mentioned or not in this thread, but there's a GB reference mid-way through the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy: “You're right, this isn't a book thing, it's a phone thing.”

Spike: “Who ya gonna call?… That phrase is never gonna be useable again is it?”

by profzoom

16 years, 7 months ago

Today's xkcd:

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

Hee hee hee…I love it!

by Mjollnir

16 years, 7 months ago

Lol. Classic.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Note: Might be NSFW.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

Here is a video for Team Fortress 2 about the various classes losing their jobs. The Medic at 3:15 is hilarious…well all of it really is.

by OniellFord

16 years, 6 months ago

Here is a video for Team Fortress 2 about the various classes losing their jobs. The Medic at 3:15 is hilarious…well all of it really is.

That was hilarius! I am totally favoriting that page! Thanks for showing it, James!

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*Ghostbusters reference in the Atari ST game "Time Bandits“. It's on the ”Ghost Town" level.


7) We found some elements of seventies and eighties popular culture in Time Bandit: Hotel California, Indiana Jones, Star Trek. Did you have a particular source of inspiration when you made the graphics? (I mean a movie, a comic, a sci-fi novel.).
For most things I didn't have a specific image in mind, but rather the opposite. When I think of the Old West, for example, I think of brick buildings with dirt roads and cacti. I think of oil lanterns, tombstones, and rattle snakes. I tried to use simple images that everyone could identify with. That way, your own mind helps fill in the illusion and makes the graphics more lively. But there are a lot of special items in the game. We were always adding stuff from our various interests, including movies and other video games. Among the less obvious:

* Angry Elmo (the bouncing red ball creature) is a tribute to the old Berserker arcade game.
* King's Quest mentions the spirits of “Zardoz,” referring to a Sean Connery movie. The map also mentions a villain named DiffEq for Bill's aversion to his Calculus class at the time (Differential Equations).
* The Glaive (spinning blades) were based on the weapon in the movie Krull.
* Castle Greymoon is a tribute to Bill's first game Dungeon Escape, which takes place in the land of Greymoon.
* The Major Hazard map, with the fireballs, is loosely based on the Major Havoc arcade game.
* The Seeker creatures in space maps were based on the hunter seeker, an assassin's weapon in Dune.
* The alien creatures, although called Klingons, are actually based on the creature from the Explorers movie.
* In the CoCo version, there are “killer smurph” creatures. Just because we enjoyed destroying them.
* In the Sanyo version, one of the artifacts is Dr. Who's time-traveling vehicle, the Tardis.
* When you shoot a ghost, it momentarily turns into the Ghostbusters' symbol.


by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*From "Hack & Slash" Issue 11 :

*See if you can spot the reference:p(*peter)(*ray)…
*Myspace page HERE:
