Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

I was watching the Full metal Alchemist movie and I came across a used sound effect from Ghostbuster.

There is a scene with Major Armstrong rebuilding an eastern town.

One scene has him ready to use alchemey to re build a shop owners store for him. As he pounds the ground to transmute you can hear the charge sound of the proton pack being heard.

I don't have a clip, but it is a small reference

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Huge hockey fan here, so this reference was kinda funny…. and yet it annoyed me.

The Florida Panthers announcer apparently takes suggestions for goal calls from fans. He ends up doing a lot of movie quotes after a player scores a goal. Apparently there must be a Ghostbusters fan who likes the Panthers because they showed a clip where it goes:

“He shoots… He SCOOOOOOORES! Ok, who brought the dog?!”

I guess as a Ghostbusters fan I find it kinda funny, but as a hockey fan, it makes no sense in connection with the goal. Several other ones he did included “Mom! The meatloaf!”, “Make me a bicycle clown!”, etc., etc.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

This isn't really a reference per say, but I was watching The Mask today (it was the only “good thing” on), and it reminded me that, the “auto shop” where Stanly Ipkiss (Jim Carey) was supposed pick up his car, was actually shot in the interior of the GB Firehouse (in LA).(*peter)

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

An advert for the movie airing on french television–Njx7vZM&feature=related

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

IF anyone watches Fringe, Walter says in the lastest episode(119). “ If there's something strange in the neighbourhood, who you gonna call? ”

by Ectofiend

15 years, 10 months ago

Great reference today on Jeopardy. There was a category called “A slimey category”. One of the questions was a video response in which the guy reading the question was standing next to the Slimer model at ILM. The answer was “In Ghostbusters, this ghost was refered to as a Class 5 full-roaming vapor, but few know that Slimer was actually based off this character from Animal house”.

*Damn I would like to see this…


by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 9 months ago

This is not a reference, but I didn´t find a better place to post it:

In this pic, the little girl at the left is my now wife, when she was 3 years old, and the girl a the right was her best friend back then… wearing a GB tee!!!

We calculate that this pic is from 1985 (in other pics of the same day you can see a car licence plate with the dates 1984-1985).

I found interesting that she married a GB fan 23 years later XD

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Around 7:30 Cena quotes Ghostbusters, and I wish he didn't, I hate, no, I loathe John Cena, and Cena doesn't deserve to quote Ghostbusters.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

People still watch WWE?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

People still watch WWE?

Did you see how many people are in that audience? Yes, they do. I occasional tune in, depending on whose holding the main strap, though at the moment, I just kinda quit giving how Vince is running things there, sucky.