Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

Another Ghostbusters Wiipown.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

I dont know if this has been mentioned before.

But Quake 2 Expansion Pack 1: The Reckoning has two references to Ghostbusters in it.

First is a indirect Reference to both Ghostbusters and Aliens is the Particle Phalanx weapon that when fired, sounds alot like the proton pack activating (in case you are wondering about the Aliens Reference, Pvt. Hudson in the scene while they are making the landing on LV-426 tells Ripley about the weapons they use including a “This is a Particle Beam Phalanx, FWAP! we can fry half the city with this puppy.” (or something to that effect)

Particle Phalanx:

The second is a more direct and obvious reference to Ghostbusters.
The Strogg Trap. you throw this much like a grenade, it opens and sucks enemies in and they become super health boosters the form of Health Cubes.

Strogg Trap:

All Screenshots where taken from the game Quake 2: The Reckoning Expansion Pack using the KMQuake 2 Source Port. Original Screenshots were in 1280x1024, but resized down to 640x512.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 9 months ago

Maybe post before, but:

On MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, there´s a episode when Bud decides to become a gangsta rapper selfcalled Master-B, but in the entire episode, the family called him with differents names, Kelly used “Ghostbuster B” once.

And in another episode, where Al Bundy realizes his Dodge was stolen, somehow he gets a brand new car, and in the street he stops besides a guy on a old car, get down the passenger window and ask the guy for a cigar… you can see through the pilot window, a poster of GROUNDHOG DAY on the wall at the corner.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

From the Pages of Dark Avengers 5 - While the Sentry (Bob) is having a sort of wierd identity crisis from supposedly coming back from the dead, Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn) is trying to convince him there is no void (Sentry's dark half), and Spider-Man (Mac Gargan's Venom) says to himself “There is no Dana, Only Zuul”

by spaceape1311

15 years, 9 months ago

So I was watching Cops and they were doing a thing on pedofiles. I don't have a video, but I can paraphrase exactly as I got it on my PVR.

The geeks on the squad have nicknamed the van the ECTO-1
The Evidence Collection van.
If you remember in the Ghostbusters movie, that's what they use to go catch the ghosts. Child predators are typically ghosts as they hide and molest children. Where people don't see them, yet we are to find the ghost.

I thought it was hilarious.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 8 months ago

NBC The Office, first episode from 5th season:

Michael Scott is saying that fat people are beautiful, and he hangs some pics on the wall of fat people, featuring: Mr. Stay Puft Marshmallow man.

I love this tv series

by Bladex_2004

15 years, 8 months ago

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

That's awesome!

wonder if CtrlAltDel will have continuous GB refferences from now on then if the new Bot has StayPuft in its programming

by CrossingtheStreams

15 years, 8 months ago

by slimer3881

15 years, 8 months ago