Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by imported_Ghoulishfright

15 years, 5 months ago

Check out this picture of a hearse from a political protest in D.C.

by Nix

15 years, 5 months ago

An insult to Ghostbusters if ever I saw one. It's probably the Clawmobile in disguise or something.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 5 months ago

Ok guys, so This morning was the day that the new ghostbusters comic series came out but some of you may also know that today is also the release of DC comics Blackest Night #3, so being a fan of both i picked them up, while reading blackest night #3 I came across a ghostbuster reference, I found this to be funny snce I picked up both new comics and one refrenced the other, so here you go for proof, I have blured the rest of the comic page out to avoid a spoiler for those who havent read it yet.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 5 months ago

I won't spoil it, but I will say two words condensed into one - Zombieland.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

I won't spoil it, but I will say two words condensed into one - Zombieland.

I will condense my response into one word - Indeed

@HannibalKing: Where's that Champions Online Mission…I have yet to find it. I am however only lvl 10 and just got outta Canada so that could be the very reason why I haven't found it yet.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 5 months ago

You'll get the mission from good ole' Burt Jackson in Millennium City from what I remember.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters comic today? Awesome.

by Walter_Peck

15 years, 5 months ago

Ok…don't really know if this belongs here, but it does technically have to deal with the Ghostbusters.

Anyone see Zombieland? Great movie! But anyhow, there is a pretty good cameo of Bill Murray himself. Bill is somehow still alive after the Zombie-Aftermath and the 4 main characters go t ohis mansion to hide out. The little girl is not old enough to know who Bill Murray is, so the older Boy decides t otaek her inside Bill's own home theatre and show her the Ghostbusters movie. Then Bill and the other two main characters get high and reinact the Slimer scene from the Hotel Cheswick…..VERY FUNNY!

Again..don't know if this goes here, but just wanted to point out a major Ghostbusters reference in a good movie.

If you haven't seen Zombieland trust me, it's worth it, and this part of the movie was good enough to justify the 10$ for the ticket for me.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

Ok…don't really know if this belongs here, but it does technically have to deal with the Ghostbusters.

Anyone see Zombieland? Great movie! But anyhow, there is a pretty good cameo of Bill Murray himself. Bill is somehow still alive after the Zombie-Aftermath and the 4 main characters go t ohis mansion to hide out. The little girl is not old enough to know who Bill Murray is, so the older Boy decides t otaek her inside Bill's own home theatre and show her the Ghostbusters movie. Then Bill and the other two main characters get high and reinact the Slimer scene from the Hotel Cheswick…..VERY FUNNY!

Again..don't know if this goes here, but just wanted to point out a major Ghostbusters reference in a good movie.

If you haven't seen Zombieland trust me, it's worth it, and this part of the movie was good enough to justify the 10$ for the ticket for me.

I was about to post this, but I don't understand why the original Zombieland thread was consolidated to this topic? This is just more than a mere “reference” as it is nice sized section of the movie!


They even put woody in the full venkman suit and proton pack! They watch the movie some, with the “twinkie” scene shown, recreate slimers capture (While being stoned I might add…) and then finally the GB song is played. No griping, but this more than a reference and a big part of the movie as I was about to make a Zombieland topic.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

It's still just a refference…

if you want a Zombieland thread for discussion of the movie itself, make one in the Miscellaneous Forum please