Well, gentlemen, I've seen the movie “The Witches”, based on the book by Roald Dahl, and I can tell you that Bad-To-The-Bones makes a cameo appearance in that film.
Regarding ARMY OF GHOSTS, the Doctor Who episode, someone on YouTube has put up a video that edits clips of the episode to Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters theme song (this is taken from the ending of the first film.)
Then there's the infamous Third Rock Halloween Special reference.
An episode of “Passions” featured a few Ghostbusters reference at one point. Don't know the veracity of this; I heard it from a friend who watches the show and spotted this for me.
I'd mention Luigi's Mansion, but that's kind of obvious.
What else do I have? Not much else; the GB references are kind of drying up right now.