Ghostbusters Reference Thread

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 1 month ago

Check out this reference from the internet series “Your Magic Touched Me Nights #4: The Halloween Rapist part 2”

…and in case you missed it, the ghostbusting scene can be found in part 1


by heslimedme251

18 years ago

Don't know if this has been posted before, couldn't find it in a search! but on the Ghost Train in Blackpool Pleasure Beach (UK based Theme Park) there are a few references to Ghostbusters. One is a sign (i'm not sure if it still exists) saying “No Ghostbusters Allowed!” and then there is Slimer above the tracks.

Mod Note: Rehosted at Image Shack to avoid bandwidth ‘theft’.


by misfit1

18 years ago

on the oooooold margate ghost-train, the old carts used to have the ghostbusters logo on the back of each one. And the demon from the episode of RGB (Chicken, he clucked?) showed up in UV paint on one of the upstairs doors.

Slimer also made an appearance in the flamingo park haunted castle.

by fixer791

18 years ago

Don't know if this has been posted before, couldn't find it in a search! but on the Ghost Train in Blackpool Pleasure Beach (UK based Theme Park) there are a few references to Ghostbusters. One is a sign (i'm not sure if it still exists) saying “No Ghostbusters Allowed!” and then there is Slimer above the tracks.


Thanks a lot for the pic, Jason!
I'm a big fan of themepark darkrides

by misfit1

18 years ago

Egon is mentioned in the Mc frontalot song “nerdcore rising”

We put our styles in the blender and the tape on our spectacles
We compile the assembler; we'd each make a respectable
Egon Spengler;

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Very cool picture!


18 years ago

GB looks to be a central plot point to an upcoming ep of Everybody Hates Chris.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I missed alot of episodes of the show but I'm watching it now. Didn't know it took place in the 80s before.

'N speaking of, I think that other thread should be closed.

But yeah, the ep is on right now. Everyone in class is talking about how good GB is. But I noticed an error. At the beginning of the show, it said that it took place in “1985”

by Kingpin

18 years ago

I missed alot of episodes of the show but I'm watching it now. Didn't know it took place in the 80s before.

'N speaking of, I think that other thread should be closed.

But yeah, the ep is on right now. Everyone in class is talking about how good GB is. But I noticed an error. At the beginning of the show, it said that it took place in “1985”

Which episode did you notice that in?

I know The Man who Never Reached Home carried a subtitle of ‘1987’ as the modern day…

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

The GB episode, it said 1985 at the beginning. And during the ep, everyone is talking about how GB just came out.

And did anyone else notice Stay Puft on the screen(well how could you miss him :p ) However it didn't look like a shot out of the movie, I think.