The problem is, remakes are hit and miss.
For instance, I enjoyed the remake of Dawn Of The Dead, and I look forward to seeing King Kong…
But, Starsky And Hutch, Charlie's Angels and others have left me unimpressed… Ghostbusters is close to my heart, and I'd want it done right.
One of the problems, is everone is suggesting ‘actor of the week’ talent for a theoretical remake… guys like Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and so on… I liked Owen Wilson in Armageddon but there's one major problem. They're slapstick comedians.
Ghostbusters is not a slapstick comedy, it's intelligent humour which has not been doing well of late in Hollywood when a lot of the ignorant audience want easy laughs.
So my first reason for not going for a remake: People are suggesting and wanting the wrong actors.
Following on… I could only see Ghostbusters done either as a comedy or a serious flick… and while I'd be interested in seeing someone make GB as a serious flick, with maybe dark humour… I'd hate to see it be made like a ‘Big Momma’s House' flick, or sheer stupidity like the aforementioned hated remakes.
This is a film that would require careful attention as it could easily shift off into terrible comedy.
It'd also need people who might have worked together in the past… Dan, Harold and Bill worked together in one form or another a little before doing the film… and so a new cast should by rights be similarly talented.
But alas, we live in the ‘instant’ generation… hardly any bands grow up in garages and practice for 16 hours a day any more… now it's all instant fame and immediate stardom with little to no work being put in.
And I think that's the second reason, a Ghostbusters remake could fail simply because Hollywood is not what it used to be, nobody has any roots and has done skits with their co-stars for years before doing the film.