Ghostbusters Remake?

by matthew1

19 years ago

Apart from a studio making money, there would be absolutely no point in a Ghostbusters remake. The original is as close to perfection as you can get. How could it be made any better than it was? It would just be a complete let down.

Instead of a remake I'd love to see a digitally remastered version of Ghostbusters along a rerelease at cinemas, similar to what was done with ET and the original Star Wars films a few years ago. They could redo some of the sfx and add a few new scenes. That would be great.

What does everybody else think about this?

by Spanish_GB

19 years ago

Spanish_GB wrote:
Ghostbusters remade is not Ghostbusters. Mad

Says the guy with what is essentially a remake in his signature…

The 88mph comic??

C'mon! I talk about the films!

by fusi0n1

19 years ago

Instead of a remake I'd love to see a digitally remastered version of Ghostbusters along a rerelease at cinemas, similar to what was done with ET and the original Star Wars films a few years ago. They could redo some of the sfx and add a few new scenes. That would be great.

What does everybody else think about this?
I would LOVE it. Going to the cinema, and seeing a black poster with just the GB logo on it, saying something about a 25th anniversary. Having it digitally remastered like you said would be the icing on the cake. Pity we have to wait another 3 years, even then it's a big maybe.

Then they could do the same with GB2 (and possibly include the deleted scenes!)
I bet if they did this idea, and did some digitally remastered new DVD releases soon after, they still wouldn't include the deleted extras! Ugh!

At least it would introduce Ghostbusters to a new generation while the older ones get to see it again.

by matthew1

19 years ago

I think that a digitally remastered worldwide cinema rerelease of Ghostbusters would be the best way to reintroduce the francise to the masses. It would also be the best way for Sony to test the cinema going audience in order to try and find out whether or not a third Ghostbusters film would be worth financing.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years ago

Instead of a remake I'd love to see a digitally remastered version of Ghostbusters along a rerelease at cinemas, similar to what was done with ET and the original Star Wars films a few years ago.

No! Then they'd replace the blasters with radios and replace Rick Moranis with Haden Christensen! :p

by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

Why is everyone so negative to the idea of a remake? A few things:

1. This is a film for the kids nowadays. I practically had a second childhood of ghostbusters and real ghostbusters. That was the eighties, an era that had the security of Ronald Reagen, the anti-communist views, and the end of the cold war. Nowadays, we have the second Bush in office, people killing each other to get a bunch of virgins, and an energy problem that is slowly reaching a solution. My idea is incorporate a more stressed atmosphere, still being funny, yet serious, and full of scary moments.

2. I was leaning towards some lesser known actors, and if possible, cameos from the original actors. This kind of film would definitely put them up a few pegs in Hollywood, and possibly make for a strong series.

I know what i'm talking about, and I know what kinds of ideas everyone has about remakes. My request, is for everyone to think openly about a remake. Alright?

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years ago

Instead of a remake I'd love to see a digitally remastered version of Ghostbusters along a rerelease at cinemas, similar to what was done with ET and the original Star Wars films a few years ago. They could redo some of the sfx and add a few new scenes. That would be great.

What does everybody else think about this?
I would LOVE it. Going to the cinema, and seeing a black poster with just the GB logo on it, saying something about a 25th anniversary. Having it digitally remastered like you said would be the icing on the cake. Pity we have to wait another 3 years, even then it's a big maybe.

Then they could do the same with GB2 (and possibly include the deleted scenes!)
I bet if they did this idea, and did some digitally remastered new DVD releases soon after, they still wouldn't include the deleted extras! Ugh!

At least it would introduce Ghostbusters to a new generation while the older ones get to see it again.

I agree with you having today's SFX in the movies would be awesome!

by Kingpin

19 years ago

Why is everyone so negative to the idea of a remake? A few things:

1. This is a film for the kids nowadays. I practically had a second childhood of ghostbusters and real ghostbusters. That was the eighties, an era that had the security of Ronald Reagen, the anti-communist views, and the end of the cold war. Nowadays, we have the second Bush in office, people killing each other to get a bunch of virgins, and an energy problem that is slowly reaching a solution. My idea is incorporate a more stressed atmosphere, still being funny, yet serious, and full of scary moments.

2. I was leaning towards some lesser known actors, and if possible, cameos from the original actors. This kind of film would definitely put them up a few pegs in Hollywood, and possibly make for a strong series.

I know what i'm talking about, and I know what kinds of ideas everyone has about remakes. My request, is for everyone to think openly about a remake. Alright?

Because the quality of remakes has been lacking thus far? And people don't want something as well loved as Ghostbusters being turned into something horrible simply in the persuit of cash. The last thing we'd need is Ghostbusters targeted toward the averager teenager… we'd probably have kung fu sequences and such…

Okay, okay, seriously though. Ghostbusters shouldn't be an extreme sport, if it's being targeted for the sk8ter generation then that might be the wrong target audience. If done right, I'd be willing to see it. But so many remakes change things around for the worse that they change a lot of the fundamental parts of a project…

Sure, the old fans are only a part of a potential audience, but look at the sheer contrast of the new Star Wars films (I know Episodes 1-3 are not remakes), but they took up the worst vibes of Hollywood and cinema from the past decade… overabundence of special effects over physical effects, changes to the lore and science (Midiclorians? WTF?) and cringe moments with young Anakin Skywalker. It was not the same Star Wars no matter how well the other actors acted and how well cast they were.

Sorry, went on a bit of a tangent there.

by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

ALL NAY SAYERS, KEEP IT DOWN. Closed minds everywhere I look. Yes, I know about how crappy the remakes of films are nowadays. I'm proposing the idea as I wouldn't it be cool scenario. Take that perspective and throw fear of failure out.

by Kingpin

19 years ago

So are you saying all you want is people after or interested in a remake? That kinda defies the point of a topic to only ask for one type of opinion, especially when you asked for the opinions of the members which will differ and vary with them.