Ghostbusters Remake?

by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

What i'm asking for is that everyone look at this idea from many perspectives before posting. I feel that a lot of the negative posting was generated by the word remake. I want you to look at thsi from the many different viewpoints, then make a choice, not jump the gun after seeing the word remake. Open minds are all I ask. I'm not saying everyone will agree, but don't be quick to judge.

by Kingpin

19 years ago

You asked for opinions and you've gotten many. You can't make everyone ‘look at it from different viewpoints and then make a decision’.

Many will already have made an opinion, and others won't be willing to change theirs or look at an alternative.

Now, I never said that a remake/reimagining/revision would automatically suck, but the hypothetical people involved would have a lot to live up to, and short of Batman Begins there doesn't appear to be many in the movie industry willing to try honor the source material if they're restarting it.

by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

You asked for opinions and you've gotten many. You can't make everyone ‘look at it from different viewpoints and then make a decision’.

Many will already have made an opinion, and others won't be willing to change theirs or look at an alternative.

Now, I never said that a remake/reimagining/revision would automatically suck, but the hypothetical people involved would have a lot to live up to, and short of Batman Begins there doesn't appear to be many in the movie industry willing to try honor the source material if they're restarting it.

I very much agree with you. My outbursts were towards the people associating a crappy film with the word remake. That is what appeared to be a large part of the posting. If you disapprove of the idea, give good solid reasons that strike the matter at hand, not an overall opinion of a filmmaking method.

by fomeboy

19 years ago

no remake for me please… if they do Sony will just put “flavor-of-the-month” actors and it will ruin the franchise… don't wanna see that…

Ghostbusters is something you gotta take care of

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years ago

I would just like to say : that they did make a remake, it wouldn't be as good or better than the original GB. Since we all have the original Cast in mind some people might have trouble to let go of it.. It is their ways that makes us like them.. that's why they are unique and all..

by fusi0n1

19 years ago

I agree, it would just be some ‘pretty’ boys. They would probably throw in Chris Klein just to torture us even more. And you can just tell the new Robocop will be some young famous pretty boy.

It's a pity it's not about matching the role to a person, but matching a role to a face…

by fomeboy

19 years ago

It's a pity it's not about matching the role to a person, but matching a role to a face…

lol :-) agree

by Gh0stbuster

19 years ago

Why would I see a remake.

You already know it's gonna suck.

Instead of making a remake why could they just make a restoration version with new special effects and maybe some new deleted scene's in it.

Some special effects need to be updated but not all.

So why a remake if they just can restore the original movies and they would look like there where made today.

It would be perfect if they did this in 2009: Ghostbusters 25th anniversary and Ghostbusters II 20th anniversary editions

by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years ago

that guy seem like he was pretty ill with everyone voting for no remake. I'm with all yall. lol


by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

Why would I see a remake.

You already know it's gonna suck.

Instead of making a remake why could they just make a restoration version with new special effects and maybe some new deleted scene's in it.

Some special effects need to be updated but not all.

So why a remake if they just can restore the original movies and they would look like there where made today.

It would be perfect if they did this in 2009: Ghostbusters 25th anniversary and Ghostbusters II 20th anniversary editions

This is a great exampole of the stereotype I am so against. I am talking about some people in Hollywood getting off their asses and puttin' fuckin' elbow grease into a worth while project, not the studio slappin together a money pit flick. Also, this is a dismissed franchise, pushed to the back by a larger whole of the society. The studios greenlighting department wouldn't risk a restored version nowadays.

P.S. I m not saying it's a bad idea, just an unlikely one.