Ghostbusters Remake?

by therealproton12

17 years, 11 months ago


well.. everyone knows Ghostbusters is a cult classic and was way ahead of its time.Great movie awsome special effects.Nobody can replace Bill Murry,Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson(with a little bit of rick Moranis!)but if it does get remade, i'd see it but not root for it.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

I think I've had a change of heart. The originals are only getting older. Many fans don't want them replaced but if they dont do it soon, it'll be too late. And if they dont replace the cast, we'll get nothing.

10 years down the line. What do we do? We'll have to accept a new cast or go with nothing at all.

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

No,no remake for Ghostbusters…I dont really have anything against remakes but its pointless for GB.

I could see it if the special effects looked out-dated and cheap but they look great even by todays standards…why would there need to be a remake?

Plus that would replace the original cast,and if your gonna do that then it might as well be a Ghostbusters 3….which is what we should get in the first place.

by Mikepjr

17 years, 1 month ago

I would actualy like to see the Extreme Ghostbusters be made into a movie as part 3… basicly the same idea.. keep a few ghostbusters from the original movies as mentors and then pretty much fallow that same formula as the EGB series did.. then no need for venkman.. just write his ass out lol. He and dana are married and moved out of newyork.. simple as that, lol.
But still have intelegent comedy.. im not saying go with the teenager crap.. just saying that same story would work..

As for a remake…… i dont think so…. just no need to.. they still sell 1 and 2 at my local wallmart.. i see someone every day pick up a copy so i know it is still popular and well known.

by ghostbusterraystantz

17 years, 1 month ago

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news: :-@ :@ (o_O)

We need to get a petition (not to make it) going, ASAP!!!

by castewar1

17 years, 1 month ago

We need to get a petition (not to make it) going, ASAP!!!

Why? We're never going to see it here. If it were ten years earlier, you wouldn't even know it was being made.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 1 month ago

castewar Wrote:
Why? We're never going to see it here. If it were ten years earlier, you wouldn't even know it was being made.

*Nope, but I'm pretty sure if it had, we would have seen it posted all over YouTube, and had a good laugh at it's expense by now :p …


by ghostbusterraystantz

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh, i thaught it was going to be released here when it was made. My bad.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 10 months ago

ya know, i dont mind the odd remake here and there, but, most if not all the time, they end up sucking big time, and being just lazy film making. In fact, the only remake i ever saw that was better then its counterpart, was SCARFACE! every other remake since then, sucked!

I gota say, i would go see it, just to see how badly they did it, but, i wouldent be supporting it. Ghostbusters is a timeless classic. Sure, it takes place in 1984, and yes, the fassions, the music, etc are outdated, but, the story itself is timeless, and the humor is just as funny 25 years later, as it was the day the film opened. I really dont see the need for a remake.

If they HAD to do somthing, id rather them do a STAR WARS SPECIAL EDITION type clean up and update, but not a remake.

by rockmx8

16 years, 9 months ago

You know what I think about the Indian Wannabe Ghostbusters Remake? It will SUCK BIG TIME.