Ghostbusters Remake?

by OniellFord

16 years, 9 months ago

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news: :-@ :@ (o_O)

We need to get a petition (not to make it) going, ASAP!!!

Dear god. This is going to be the WORST thing that ever happend to the Ghostbusters franchise!!!! :@ :-@ (o_O) (*egon)

We seriously need to get a petition going to keep it from being made. We all need to unite as true Ghostbusters fans and sign a petition and get everyone else who are fans to sign it. Now.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

Oniell Ford
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news: :-@ :@ (o_O)

We need to get a petition (not to make it) going, ASAP!!!

Dear god. This is going to be the WORST thing that ever happend to the Ghostbusters franchise!!!! :@ :-@ (o_O) (*egon)

We seriously need to get a petition going to keep it from being made. We all need to unite as true Ghostbusters fans and sign a petition and get everyone else who are fans to sign it. Now.

Not gonna work. If rights have been signed and paid for, they aren't just gonna let it go cause of us. Money is more important to them to what “we” think.

Besides, according to ProtonCharging, the remake might not even go through, because Sony basically told Bollywood they would be in deep shit if they get “inspired” by films made by Columbia Tri-Star.

by rockmx8

16 years, 9 months ago

Right but I sure hope this doesn't happen, it's going to make Ghostbusters look really stupid, damn you BOLLYWOOD!! Make up your own ideas besides copying others usually…

by Brendan_M

16 years, 8 months ago

I think Apatow should get his crew on this, Seth Rogan would play Egon, Bill Hader should Play Ray, Jason Segal should play Peter, and I'm nto sure who should Winston be played by?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Did you read the above posts? The Bollywood remake is not going through anymore, which is a good thing.