Ghostbusters RPG + Adventures for sale on Ebay

by Ecto-451

15 years, 9 months ago

Hey, all! I'm unloading my Ghostbusters RPG for sale on ebay- here's the location:|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

And here's the text of the auction:


The Frightfully Cheerful Role-Playing Game!

You are bidding on the BOX SET West End Games' classic comedy RPG, GHOSTBUSTERS! The Lucky winner will receive:

-The GHOSTBUSTERS! Training Manual (Players guide, with instructions for Character Creation, Playing the Game, and all the other stuff a player needs to know to get themselves in ectoplasmic trouble! )

-The GHOSTBUSTERS! Operations Manual (The Game Master's guide, with dozens of adventure ideas and stats for all kinds of different spooks and spectres!)

-Filled in and Blank Character Cards! Play as Egon, Venkman, Stantz, Zeddmore, any of the other major characters from the classic comedy film OR create your own on the blank cards provided, using the instructions from the handy-dandy Training Manual (see how all this fits together?)

-Equipment Cards! Suit up with the Proton Pack, the PK Meter, or even a parachute!

Most Character and Equipment Cards Are Still Unpunched/Attached To Each Other!

And, Most Important:

-The Ghost Die, with the ‘number 1’ pip replaced by the ‘slash-ghost’ graphic, showing when Something Bad Has Happened in the game!

….and, I'll even throw in a GHOSTBUSTERS II- GHOSTBUSTERS INTERNATIONAL adventure module:Lurid Tales of Doom! A series of pre-programmed adventures where GB boys go on a series of spookhunts for a paranormal tabloid paper, with predictably chaotic results! Save the world! Defeat the ancient Walrus spirit! Plus, of course, the original box from WEG to carry it all in! What are you waiting for?
Hope to see your bids soon! Auctions with less stuff are going for twice as much! I hope a lucky fan gets this lot!