Ghostbusters RPG Video Game Download

by spookbuster1

17 years ago

Okay, heres an RPG computer game I made over the last few weeks… well part of it. I'm putting up the tutorial you play through in the game.

Theres a chance that it may say RGSS102E.dll is missing, if so download here and put into game directory. Or just search for the file on google.
Besides that the install file and game should work just fine. After testing it, I only found two minor graphic problems which I doubt anyone will notice. If any other glitches are found please let me know.

by vincentbelmont1

17 years ago


I applaud you for going in an original direction with your game. I believe the last time you did this, you just took the RGB episodes and made them into RPG form.

My only constructive criticism is that you really should play the hell out of your demo before you slap it together and make it downloadable. You should also have a list of “known errors” rather than “Yeah, it's got a few problems.”

First impressions are a must with this kind of stuff. If you give your public a sub-par demo complete with its errors, then no one will really follow up on it.

Playtest. troubleshoot. Fix. THEN upload.

by EctoGT

17 years ago

Vincent Belmont

I applaud you for going in an original direction with your game. I believe the last time you did this, you just took the RGB episodes and made them into RPG form.

My only constructive criticism is that you really should play the hell out of your demo before you slap it together and make it downloadable. You should also have a list of “known errors” rather than “Yeah, it's got a few problems.”

First impressions are a must with this kind of stuff. If you give your public a sub-par demo complete with its errors, then no one will really follow up on it.

Playtest. troubleshoot. Fix. THEN upload.


by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Its OK so far. I don't really like the music you chose for the game though. Doesn't really suit the situation. Or the title screen. Why isn't the Ghostbusters theme in there?!

by mdp872105

17 years ago

Vincent Belmont

I applaud you for going in an original direction with your game. I believe the last time you did this, you just took the RGB episodes and made them into RPG form.

My only constructive criticism is that you really should play the hell out of your demo before you slap it together and make it downloadable. You should also have a list of “known errors” rather than “Yeah, it's got a few problems.”

First impressions are a must with this kind of stuff. If you give your public a sub-par demo complete with its errors, then no one will really follow up on it.

Playtest. troubleshoot. Fix. THEN upload.


I have to agree too but i wont look a gift horse in the mouth.

First i like to know where you got the software to do this i love to do a rpg like that.

Second this is my list of what i liked

*clean movement
*great character design for all but peter and the new guy (but i think that is a taste in preference)
*The items in the level looked great and the battle explanation was well done.
*The battle attacks look good.
*I liked how you had notes about certain items when you clicked them I just like to see more of it.
*I love the loading screen with ecto-1
*sliding down the pole Yes!!!

Third What i didn't like

*The title screen it looked cool but the music didn't match the feel.
*The layout of the firehouse needs to look more like the original.
*I think you need some subtle music playing during the game.
*The battle scene was cool but i like to see all the characters on there at one time if thats possible.

Other than that i love it i can't wait to see more and if there is any way i can help let me know. I'll do what i can. One last suggestion thou is there a chance that you could have a item affect where you can throw a trap that when you use it and the ghost are weaken enough they will be capture instead of it the ghost capturing happening automatically?

by spookbuster1

17 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! I orderered a Ghostbusters soundtrack from amazon, as soon as it comes in I plan on putting in the theme and some of Elmer Bernstein's original score. I've got two other levels done that are much more complex than the tutorial level. I suppose I could work on the layout of the firehouse some more, I did it just kind of guessing.

Thanks for playing so far! I'll keep you updated.

PS: I'm using RPG Maker XP to create the game. You can purchase it at the Enterbrain website. It's quite simple to use and a lot of fun.

If you think it would be better, I can make other characters where you can choose your appearance in the beginning of the game.

by mdp872105

17 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! I orderered a Ghostbusters soundtrack from amazon, as soon as it comes in I plan on putting in the theme and some of Elmer Bernstein's original score. I've got two other levels done that are much more complex than the tutorial level. I suppose I could work on the layout of the firehouse some more, I did it just kind of guessing.

Thanks for playing so far! I'll keep you updated.

PS: I'm using RPG Maker XP to create the game. You can purchase it at the Enterbrain website. It's quite simple to use and a lot of fun.

If you think it would be better, I can make other characters where you can choose your appearance in the beginning of the game.

That would be awesome and thank you for the rpg maker xp tip. Just a suggestion there has been some pretty awesome fan remixs done on youtube maybe you can get a idea there.

by mdp872105

17 years ago

Sorry about the double post but i had a idea i wanted to throw out to you for your game. I was wondering how about a drive sequences for the levels kind of like ghostbusters for the NES. I know, I know its a horrible game but i kind of like the fact that you had to find the builds that where haunted. But back to my idea.

In the world map i was thinking you could have the fire house as a start point and you could drive to the haunted house instead of having a loading scene and just magically popping up at the right destination. janine Could give you a address and a rough idea where too go and you could drive the car and look for a house with a ghost symbol over it. Then when you can use a action button to activate the mission.

Take note this is only a idea i had. I'm not the one making the game so you do what you think is best and what you are able to do.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years ago

Am i the only one who is having trouble getting the game to work?

I run the exe file and nothing happens, an error sound is heard but no message.

by spookbuster1

17 years ago

There is no error message at all when you try to run the game? I've tested it on XP and Windows 98 but I'm not really sure what I need to look at to fix it. I'll research and see if I can find error on my part.

As for the driving sequence, I have toyed around the idea but haven't put into action. I will explore it some more and see if I can create it.

Also I have recieved the soundtrack with Bernstein's score and the theme song. I will be adding in the music later today. Hopefully it will give it more a ‘ghostbusters feel.’